Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Managing Financial Resources and Decisions Essay
1. Equity capital (owners capital) for Blue Orange Solutions Equity is an external source of funds available to business and these are generated from the shareholders/investors. This is considered as the safest source of start-up funds. In case of a private limited company, the amounts are invested by the shareholders who are known to each other. But in case of a public limited company, the amounts can be invested by general public or institutional investors. – The funding is committed to business as the investors can only realise their investment if the business is doing well, e.g. through stock market flotation or a sale to new investors. – No financing costs involved as the business will not have to keep up with costs of servicing bank loans or debt finance, allowing to use the capital for business activities. – Outside investors can bring valuable skills, contacts and experience to your business. They can also assist with strategy and key decision making. â⠂¬â€œ Investors are often prepared to provide follow-up funding as the business grows. The principal disadvantages of equity finance are: – Raising equity finance is demanding, costly and time consuming, and may take management focus away from the core business activities. – Potential investors will seek comprehensive background information on the business. – Depending on the investor, original investors will lose a certain amount of power to make management decisions. – There can be legal and regulatory issues to comply with when raising finance, e.g. when promoting investments. 2. Bank loan for Blue Orange Solutions A debt financing obligation issued by a bank or similar financial institution to a company or individual that holds legal claim to the borrower’s assets above all other debt obligations. The loan is considered senior to all other claims against the borrower, which means that in the event of a bankruptcy the bank loan is the first to be repaid, before all other interested parties receive repayment. Bank loans are usually secured via a lien against the assets of the borrower. At the time the loan is made, there typically tend to be no other existing liens on the borrower’s assets, or at least not on any of the assets being secured by the bank loan. Advantages: – A bank loan can be used in a number of ways; money can be borrowed for many large-ticket items – A bank loan can be secured in a specific time frame Disadvantages: – Some loans carry a prepayment penalty, high penalty rates, other finance charges – There are a number of limitations on the transaction – Borrowing too much money can lead to decreased cash flow and payments can even overtake income in some cases. 3. Bank overdraft for Blue Orange Solutions An overdraft is a temporary facility added to business’s bank accounts which allows the account to be overdrawn by a certain amount. The business is charged interest based on the amount overdrawn and the length of time overdrawn, and are usually charged a regular fee for the use of the facility. An overdraft is particularly useful when business has regular sales and purchases and is to finance temporary cash shortages. They are a good backup to ensure business can pay its bills. An overdraft is not supposed to be a permanent source of finance. Advantages of Overdrafts Flexible – An overdraft is available when business needs it and costs very small amount of charges. It allows business to make essential payments in case of cash shortages. Quick – Overdrafts are easy and quick to arrange, providing a good cash flow backup with the minimum of fuss. Disadvantages of Overdrafts Cost – Overdrafts carry interest and fees; often at much higher rates than loans. The business face large charges if you go over the agreed overdraft limit. Recall – Unless specified in the terms and conditions, the bank can recall the entire overdraft at any time. Security – Overdrafts may need to be secured against business assets, which put them at risk if payments cannot be made. Business Angels for Blue Orange Solutions Business angels are wealthy individuals who invest in start-up and growth businesses in return for equity in the company, they are also called informal investors. The investment can involve both time and money, depending upon the investor. Business angels can operate independently, but many work as a syndicate (a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote some common interest). Business angels typically invest  £500,000 in a company. On average, business angels in the UK invest  £42,000, and each investor makes around six investments. Where larger amounts are invested in a business, this usually takes place through a syndicate of angels organised through the entrepreneur’s personal contacts or a business angel network. As well as cash, business angels can offer years of experience in the business world, not to mention useful contacts to help you grow your business, which can add real value to your company. Although some prefer to become a sleeping partner, others will get actively involved in business, offering help with anything from writing a marketing plan to taking the company through a flotation on the stock market. Indeed, the BBAA / NESTA report recommends that angels invest in their area of expertise and stay connected with the business, preferably at board level, as a way of improving the success rate of angel deals. Venture Capital for Blue Orange Solutions A venture capital firm is a group of investors who gain income from wealthy people who want to grow their wealth. They take this money and use it to invest in more risky businesses than a traditional bank is willing to take on. Because the investments are risky, the venture capital firm typically expects a higher return on the businesses it is investing in than other types of lenders would. The interest rate or higher cost of capital is worth it to the business, however, because the business would otherwise not receive the financing needed. Venture capital firms work under a specific investment profile. The investment profile is a document that outlines the types of businesses the firm is willing to invest in. By targeting their investments to certain types of businesses only, the venture capital firm can learn the ropes of a particular industry, and thus be better prepared to decide which new or expanding businesses are the best investments. And venture capital firms do not just provide start up financing. They can also provide expansion financing for promising businesses. When individual investors entrust their money to a venture capital firm, the firm puts the money in a fund. This fund is then invested in several companies, with the expectation that the companies will be able to repay the money in around three to seven years.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
History of organic chemistry Essay
Chemistry has been called the science of what things are. Its intent is the exploration of the nature of the materials that fabricate our physical environment, why they hold the different properties that depict them, how their atomic structure may be fathomed, and how they may be manipulated and changed. Although organic reactions have been conducted by man since the discovery of fire, the science of Organic chemistry did not develop until the turn of the eighteenth century, mainly in France at first, then in Germany, later on in England. By far the largest variety of materials that bombard us are made up of organic elements. The beginning of the Ninetieth century was also the dawn of chemistry, all organic substances were understood as all being materials produced by living organisms: wood, bone, cloth, food, medicines, and the complex substances that configure the human body. Inorganic material was believed to come from the Earth: salt, metals, and rock, just to name a few. Because of the human’s wonder of natural life, organic materials were believed to possess an enigmatic â€Å"Vital Force.†Thus organic chemistry was separated from inorganic chemistry, and it became it’s own field of science. By the turn of the Nineteenth the â€Å"Vital Force†theory was immensely discredited, but this branch of science still stayed separated from inorganic chemistry. Back when Organic chemistry was the chemistry of living matter, Professor Wohler succeeded in synthesizing in the labo†¦ The name organic chemistry came from the word organism. Prior to 1828, all organic compounds had been obtained from organisms or their remains. The scientific philosophy back then was that the synthesis of organic compounds could only be produced within living matter while inorganic compounds were synthesized from non-living matter. A theory known as â€Å"Vitalism†stated that a â€Å"vital force†from living organisms was necessary to make an organic compound. 1828, a German chemist Friedrich Wà ¶hler (1800-1882) amazed the science community by using the inorganic compound ammonium cyanate, NH4OCN to synthesize urea, H2NCONH2, an organic substance found in the urine of many animals. This led to the disappearance of the â€Å"Vitalism†theory. Today, chemists consider organic compounds to be those containing carbon and one or more other elements, most often hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or the halogens, but sometimes others as well. Organic chemistry is defined as the chemistry of carbon and its compounds. Organic chemistry is also known under the short-term organic. The organic chemistry as a branch of chemistry can be viewed and engaged in the carbon content. Particularly the structure, composition and the chemical reactions of carbon will be investigated. To the organic chemistry include the elements that go with the carbon compounds. Therefore we understand today as the organic chemistry, the chemistry of carbon compounds, and not focusing only on the compounds from nature. The organic chemistry is, however, also limits for inorganic chemistry. This limit is usually denied to the concept of hydrocyanic acid. The division of natural science in organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry is historical. The term â€Å"organic†was first used by Berzilius about 1810 because by then all investigated compounds derived from living organisms and in the laboratory could not be synthesized. Berzilius found it impossible to produce organic compounds from nature artificial. This theory was refuted, however, then in 1828 by the chemist Friedrich Wohler. In later times it was always more to produce organic substances synthetically, which contained all the carbon. The simplest organic compounds consist only of the elements of water and carbon. Only compounds such as carbon oxides, carbonates, carbides and cyanides are expected to inorganic compounds. Before the nineteenth century, chemists generally believed that compounds obtained from living organisms were endowed with a vital force that distinguished them from inorganic compounds. According to the concept of vitalism (vital force theory), organic matter was endowed with a â€Å"vital force†.[8] During the first half of the nineteenth century, some of the first systematic studies of organic compounds were reported. Around 1816 Michel Chevreul started a study of soaps made from various fats and alkalis. He separated the different acids that, in combination with the alkali, produced the soap. Since these were all individual compounds, he demonstrated that it was possible to make a chemical change in various fats (which traditionally come from organic sources), producing new compounds, without â€Å"vital force†. In 1828 Friedrich Wà ¶hler produced the organic chemical urea (carbamide), a constituent of urine, from the inorganic ammonium cyanate NH4CNO, in what i s now called the Wà ¶hler synthesis. Although Wà ¶hler was always cautious about claiming that he had disproved the theory of vital force, this event has often been thought of as a turning point.[8] In 1856 William Henry Perkin, while trying to manufacture quinine, accidentally manufactured the organic dye now known as Perkin’s mauve. Through its great financial success, this discovery greatly increased interest in organic chemistry.[9] The crucial breakthrough for organic chemistry was the concept of chemical structure, developed independently and simultaneously by Friedrich August Kekulà © and Archibald Scott Couper in 1858.[10] Both men suggested that tetravalent carbon atoms could link to each other to form a carbon lattice, and that the detailed patterns of atomic bonding could be discerned by skillful interpretations of appropriate chemical reactions. The pharmaceutical industry began in the last decade of the 19th century when the manufacturing of acetylsalicylic acid (more commonly referred to as aspirin) in Germany was started by Bayer.[11] The first time a drug was systematically improved was with arsphenamine (Salvarsan). Though numerous derivatives of the dangerous toxic atoxyl were examined by Paul Ehrlich and his group, the compound with best effectiveness and toxicity characteristics was selected for production.[citation needed] Early examples of organic reactions and applications were often serendipitous. The latter half of the 19th century however witnessed systematic studies of organic compounds, Illustrative is the development of synthetic indigo. The production of indigo from plant sources dropped from 19,000 tons in 1897 to 1,000 tons by 1914 thanks to the synthetic methods developed by Adolf von Baeyer. In 2002, 17,000 tons of synthetic indigo were produced from petrochemicals.[12] In the early part of the 20th Century, polymers and enzymes were shown to be large organic molecules, and petroleum was shown to be of biological origin. The multistep synthesis of complex organic compounds is called total synthesis. Total synthesis of complex natural compounds increased in complexity to glucose and terpineol. For example, cholesterol-related compounds have opened ways to synthesize complex human hormones and their modified derivatives. Since the start of the 20th century, complexity of total syntheses has been increased to include molecules of high complexity such as lysergic acid and vitamin B12.[13] The total synthesis of vitamin B12 marked a major achievement in organic chemistry. The development of organic chemistry benefited from the discovery of petroleum and the development of the petrochemical industry. The conversion of individual compounds obtained from petroleum into different compound types by various chemical processes led to the birth of the petrochemical industry, which successfully manufactured artificial rubbers, various organic adhesives, property-modifying petroleum additives, and plastics. The majority of chemical compounds occurring in biological organisms are in fact carbon compounds, so the association between organic chemistry and biochemistry is so close that biochemistry might be regarded as in essence a branch of organic chemistry. Although the history of biochemistry might be taken to span some four centuries, fundamental understanding of the field only began to develop in the late 19th century and the actual term biochemistry was coined around the start of 20th century. Research in the field increased throughout the twentieth century, without any indication of slackening in the rate of increase, as may be verified by inspection of abstraction and indexing services such as BIOSIS Previews and Biological Abstracts, which began in the 1920s as a single annual volume, but has grown so drastically that by the end of the 20th century it was only available to the everyday user as an online electronic database.[14] The Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life During laboratory technique 1 we learned how to separate insoluble liquids from solids by means of filtration, and how to separate a dissolved solid from a liquid by means of evaporation. I have often asked myself the importance of some of the required classes in my schedule and how they can relate to everyday life. I believe in the saying that if you don’t use it you will lose it, meaning that if the concepts I learn cannot be applied to something that I will remember on a daily basis then the possibilities of me not remembering them at all are greater. This is especially true if you’re not a science or medical major as I am not. However in this class I am discovering that things we are learning can definitely be applied to processes that my mind uses daily and procedures that are performed daily and are as close to me as my own kitchen. In pondering the idea of filtration and evaporation I begin to think of the water that I drink on a daily basis. Without even being aware of the process I have been using filtration on a daily basis. I purchased a filter for my sink a number of years ago to improve the taste of my water and get rid of what I called the (bad things) that my body didn’t need. At the time I had no idea I was making a scientific decision and using a scientific method. I had determined that the water in my house did not taste well and that the taste could be improved. Listening to others who had boasted about the success of filtered water I decided to test their hypothesis out for myself. I bought from the local hardware store a basic water filter system that could be attached to the faucet of your sink. Supposedly this water filter would remove the harmful substances from my water and improve the taste. I tested the hypothesis by first pouring myself a glass of unfiltered water and sitting it aside. I then attached my filter system and poured myself a glass of filtered water. I tasted both and observed the differences in each taste. The hypothesis was now justified in my eyes, the filtered water tasted better. I offered my hypothesis to my husband and children and allowed them to make their own observations. We all agreed that the filtered water tested better. The hypothesis had now become theory in my household. Now since this class I’ve been observing just how this filter system works. I have discovered that the residue that remains after filtering in some way affected the taste of my regular tap water. I have since learned that this residue consists of salt and other stuff that could definitely dramatically affect the test. Interestingly enough though, this filtration process didn’t start with me. Scientist years ago began to filter water for health reasons. Elements that are deadly to our human bodies (such as chloride) are filtered out daily through our elaborate water system to ensure that our water is healthy to drink. Without this process we would have entire cities dying just like the colony of Jamestown centuries ago! Wow I guess science is a necessary in my daily life, I just never knew that’s what it was called.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analysis on the Conclusion of Tennessee Williams’s Book, A Streetcar Named Desire vs the Film Adaptation
Analysis on the Conclusion of Tennessee Williams’s Book, A Streetcar Named Desire vs the Film Adaptation The endings of A Street Car Named Desire in the movie and in the play by Tennessee Williams are very different. Initially, they both follow the same storyline, which follows Stella’s struggles between choosing Blanche or Stanley. Near the end, Kazan changes the turning point from what Tennessee Williams wrote. The impact of the different endings dramatically changes the reactions from the audience. In the play, Eunice is telling Stella that she cannot believe what Stanley did because her life needs to go on. Stella takes the baby, and she goes back to Stanley, and when the baby stopped crying it is as if life is back to normal. When Blanche is gone they treat their lives no differently than when she was there. In this case, Stanley wins the â€Å"poker game,†because he has a better hand than Blanche. Stella cries frantically and it shows how badly she feels about admitting Blanche into an insane asylum. The end of the play says â€Å"7 card stud.†This tells the audience that the play has gone back to normal. This ending is very different from the movie because Stella makes a different decision than she does in the book. In the movie, Stella does not go back to her normal life. The book has Eunice giving Stella the baby, but in the movie Eunice does not give Stella the baby and as Blanche is being forced to leave Stella thinks about what Stanley has done. It makes her too sick to even think of Stanley, and she says â€Å"Don’t you touch me, don’t ever touch me again.†She relays the amount of hatred she has toward Stanley and it impacts the decision she makes in the end. When Mitch watches Stella being taken away he yells at Stanley and says, â€Å"what have you done to her?†and this skepticism was not shown during the play. The movie does not have life going back to normal and although Blanche did not win the poker game, Stanley did lose. Stella goes back inside to Eunice as Stanley continues to call for her. This change is very difficult to comprehend because the result of the play and the movie are opposite. This ending shows the change between who has won the pot: Sta nley, Blanche or No One. As a result of the alternate endings the audience becomes very confused as to why they are so different. If a change had been made earlier in the movie it would not be as drastic as making a change to the ending. This alters the meanings that can be interpreted by the play and movie. The question that many still wonder is why are the endings different if the movie was produced only a couple years after the book? The alternate endings have a negative impact on how people interpret the endings.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Nurses as leaders in health care reform Coursework
Nurses as leaders in health care reform - Coursework Example Modern nurses are equipped with the ability to make decisions pertaining any level or department in an organization. Additionally, considering the time nurses spend in their practices, it would a logical strategy to allow nurses make important decisions in healthcare institutions. National Academy of Sciences (2011) points out that practices have realized the potential of nurses if trained enough to make all level decisions in their practices. For this reason, nurses are placed as the main decision makers in health institution. However, this is done in respect to their job description and work experience. Regardless of these conditions, the nursing profession is well equipped to make important decisions at all levels of a practice. Minus the influence of nursing in making such decisions, it is an obvious assumption that a practice may not be well equipped to run the institution effectively. Benefits of researching on this area revolve around having adequate evidence on the importance of nursing on important healthcare decisions. In addition, research enables one to understand different measures taken by an organization to fully take advantage of opportunity presented by the nursing practice. Through research, organizations undermining the significance of nursing in their practices change their perception on the subject. However, there are numerous challenges in conducting research in this priority. Many practices dismiss the significance of nursing in making important decisions in their healthcare facilities. For this reason, there is limited information obtained on the level at which practices allow nurses to make important decisions. Additionally, there area limited number of practices from which research can be conducted. Practices available for research are small healthcare facilities. Large healthcare institutions have a limited mandate provided to their nurses. In these institutions, nurses require authority from top
The Effects of Equal Employment oppertunity legislation Research Paper
The Effects of Equal Employment oppertunity legislation - Research Paper Example The Act intended to eliminate discrimination in all areas of life overcoming the past unequal orthodox social set up. For the enforcement of these laws Congress established the enforcement authority EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunities Commission). The laws currently enforced by the EEOC include Title VII of the Civil Right Act 1964, the amendment which appears in volume 42 of the US code. It prohibits employment discrimination based on color, race, religion, sex and national origin. Other laws related to the EEO legislation are Equal Pay Act of 1963, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Americans with disabilities act of 1990, Civil Rights Act of 1991, Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The laws cover all areas of possible discriminations like age, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, and also ensure the prevention of sexual harassment and retaliation. The laws also insist to implement equal payment system with out any discrimination (Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws). All these legislations brought about drastic changes in US labor market. The enforcement of these la ws has altered the social context of hiring, firing and promoting. It covers all areas of employee – employer relationship from advertising, open position through termination or retirement. The law insists that the disabled also must be given opportunities based on their education and other skills. The EEO legislation has proved how the diversity qualities like age, race, religion, sex etc. can be utilized by an organization as their support of business objectives. Teams or organizations with greater diversity enjoy the availability of a richer set of ideas, perspectives and approaches to deal a business issue. Many employers today get benefited by the talented segments of work force in the competitive global economy. Diversity provides the possibility for greater innovation and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Cooperative Marketing of Global gadgets imports Research Paper
Cooperative Marketing of Global gadgets imports - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the definition of cooperative marketing as an advertising and promotional program whereby manufacturers or a distributor supports the marketing efforts of both businesses. It can also be used by multiple businesses looking to pool their resources to avoid being overburdened with costs for advertising and promotion. In addition, it is collaborative effort of two or more companies that come and work together in advertising and promotional efforts in order to reach a common goal. Cooperative marketing is ideal for Global gadgets imports. There are great values that come along with cooperative marketing. One of the great values that come along cooperative advertisement is that the cost of advertising will be greatly reduced. This happens when the partnering businesses come together and contribute towards the advertising and promotion of the product. This only happens when the businesses have the same interest. The cost will be cheaper in the end and in the s hort run for both businesses and the individual offices. The other great value that the businesses will derive is the benefit from a larger discount commonly known as trade discount. Another value of cooperative advertising is that the businesses will benefit from the risks involved. This will happen when businesses pool the risks and share them. This can happen when the distributing company tries to explain to its retailors the cause of a particular hitch resulting from the manufacturer. (West, 2008). There are a number of challenges that global gadgets imports needs to address when approaching a cooperative marketing situation. Cooperative marketing has guidelines that both companies must have similar targets. They should therefore, have same ideas, promotions, and cash in order to partner. The marketing intention should serve both companies accurately and effectively, since both brands wants to be conducting this effort. The element of trust is very essential in cooperative marke ting and has to be taken into consideration. Therefore, information sharing must be respected. Global gadgets imports should engage in cooperative marketing in various ways. One of these methods is through distribution. A retailor company can engage in cooperative marketing when the business being carried out involves the distribution to other retailors or distributors. In this way, Global gadgets imports will be involved and will gain greater geographical outreach to the various customers in the world. It will also help in creating awareness of these products in the market. The other way that Global gadgets imports can engage in cooperative marketing is through imaging. This helps to create awareness through consumer learning, overall product information, or focus on the product industry. This method also helps in establishing a positive outline of the goods of both companies in the minds of consumers and other related companies. This also helps to eliminate the negative media, joi ntly promotes the businesses products and may give lessons on the sternness of several problems that may be caused by occurrence impurity or product glitches (William, 2007). Differently, Global gadgets imports can engage in cooperative marketing through packaging. This is done through product packaging of the individual business products for product consistency. This helps in giving out a cohesive look and increase market influence. The packaging strategy can be done by implementing a standard base packaging for the partnership businesses products. Such kind of packaging should help eliminate transportation damage that occurs and establish a freshness look of the products. However, the packaging should be different from the parents company to help eliminate risks such as product substitution. In addition, Global Gadgets Imports should create a marketing team that tries to understand how their target market lives and understand their lifestyle. In carrying out this strategy, Global Gadgets Imports does necessarily have to promote a specific product, but the label acknowledgment should be
Friday, July 26, 2019
Mahasweta Devi, Breast-Giver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mahasweta Devi, Breast-Giver - Essay Example And, there is a proportion among writers who bring these situations and incidents into a written form, using the realistic or fictionalized version of the real life happenings as the base, particularly the ‘injuring’ or distressing aspects. Mahasweta Devi is one such writer, who has used the culture, events etc prevailing in India, particularly the distressing and disturbing happenings in her home state of West Bengal in her works. So, in this paper I will focus on Mahasweta Devi, her life, her works and what will be the contents of my presumed interaction with her. Mahasweta Devi presently lives in Kolkatta (the new name of Calcutta). Apart from being an accomplished Indian writer, she is also a social worker, involving herself in many worthwhile causes and thus travels to many parts of West Bengal and throughout India. So, I planned to reach Kolkatta by air and from the airport, based on Devi’s current work or location, I will make the trip by road or train. Before boarding my flight, I researched about Devi through internet and books, and got a lot of information about her life and her works. So, onboard the flight to Kolkatta, based on the information, I set my thought process into action and tried to form the questions I will ask Devi, topics for our conversation etc, etc. As, I want the interaction with Devi to be smooth, fruitful, engaging and beneficial, I formed certain questions and topics based on the research. Firstly, I plan to ask Devi about her early days in erstwhile East Bengal and whether the partition of India and Paki stan had any impact on her life. Devi was actually born in Dacca, in what is now Bangladesh. Being a Hindu, she and her family moved into West Bengal in India at the time of partition of India and Pakistan. That is, as British gave freedom to India in 1947, they divided mainland India, into India and Pakistan, with Hindu majority areas staying with India and Muslim majority areas going to
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The impact of climate change on logistics management Essay
The impact of climate change on logistics management - Essay Example It basically refers to the management of the activities for the collections of raw materials to the production at the factories to the distribution of these goods. The manager must coordinate with all of these pieces in a cordial manner for the effective management of the supply chain (Mentzer, 2001). Logistics Management is widely known concept in the global world. All companies rely on the logistics for the efficient flow of the goods and services. For Example: Industrial manufactures rely heavily on these logistics for the transportation of the mass-produced items. At the same time, the consumer goods manufactures want their goods to be delivered to the outlets and warehouses before the customer calls for it. Therefore, Logistics management has now evolved into one of the most important links in the supply chain process (DHL, 2010). Logistics refers to the part of the supply chain management that plans, implements and processes the flow of the goods and services from the source to the end consumer. It includes both thee forward and reverse flow as well as the storage of the goods. The vital elements of this part include all modes of transportation, inventory control and storage, packing and flow of information. Figure 1 shows the costs and investment in different sectors’ logistics departments. Climatic Change takes place over millions to thousands of years. It is a statistical shift of weather and climate that takes place, changing the environment of the earth. When analyzed over hundreds of years, the climatic conditions have patches of climate having similar qualities and properties. The shift from one climate to another climate takes place slowly and gradually in order to maintain the ecological system. The biggest climatic change that is being anticipated these days and is mostly in the news is global warming. It is a shift towards a hotter climate due to the green house gases
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Comparing Senator Kelly Ayotte and Senator Joe Donnelly Essay
Comparing Senator Kelly Ayotte and Senator Joe Donnelly - Essay Example Ayotte and Donnelly have different leadership traits and hold different political ideologies. There approaches on national matters take a different dimension. Ayotte develops her approach based on bipartisan approaches while Donnelly concentrates on advocating for his party’s political and economic stands. This indicates the two develops their arguments and public agenda. Ayotte advocates for national agendas on grounds that there need to be a sober mind when it comes to security and economic policies (Appendix I). Ayotte being a republican, she has played an important role in sponsoring security and economical related bills in the senate. This indicates her concern on matters affecting the public. Donnelly on the other hand concentrated on his party’s policy in that most of his statements are geared towards driving the Democrat’s stands on key national issues. The two differ in the way they present their agenda top the public. Ayotte has been actively involved in senate debates compared to Donnelly. She has been involved in more senate committees than Donnelly. She represents the change advocated by Thomas and Wilcox (2014) in the 21st century. There active roles in politics and public administration. The subordinate roles played in previous administration and transformed into active members in society. The role played Ayotte surpasses Donnelly’s role in 2015 senate and house committees.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
An analysis of the micro and macro environment of M&S Research Paper
An analysis of the micro and macro environment of M&S - Research Paper Example However, the company has reported a decline in sales in the current year with a significant reduction of 8.1% in purchases that are made through online mediums (Ahmed, 2014). Even though, the brand name and customer loyalty which is linked with M&S has survived and even grown tremendously over a significant period, the company’s financial woes and slumping sales have emerged as a cause of concern for the management and shareholders. As reported by Rankin (2014) the company’s homeware and clothing divisions have been marked by the demonstration of disappointment monetary performances over a period of the past twelve financial quarters. Despite of the commitment shown by CEO Marc Bolland that revival would come soon enough, the company’s woes which have recently been maximized because of a serious website error and related technical issues continue to grow (Ahmed, 2014). Moreover, competitive concerns from local brands like Primark and international heavyweights like Zara postulate that the company may have to experience challenges in terms of exploring more viable opportunities in the clothing division (Ruddick, 2012). This research aims to aid the development of a critical assessment and analysis of Marks and Spencer’s micro and macro economic situation for the purpose of evaluating the future prospects and options which are available for the company to successfully and effectively cope with present issues. The framework or model of a SWOT analysis is an imperative component in assessing and examining the internal and external issues and prospects within a firm. As noted by Hill and Westbrook (1997), the application of SWOT analysis can aid companies in decision making procedures and aid the development of long term corporate planning to meet the specific requirements which have been outlined by the designated objectives at corporate, business, operational and tactical
Electricity Generation Using a Wind Turbine Essay Example for Free
Electricity Generation Using a Wind Turbine Essay Wind turbines are machines built for generation of electricity. The electric power is generated by harnessing the wind speed to drive the shaft that connects to the gears assembled to amplify the amount of energy produced. Aside from wind power, other forces, like gravity and thermal energy, also affect the rotation of the blades, which in turn affect the electricity generation process. This research is aimed at creating a simple wind turbine that is capable of generating electricity. The process will be explained using the principles found in physics such as the law of gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and momentum. Materials and Method The wind turbine setup was created using these devices: hub, three fan blades, metal box, two sets of gears, copper wire, a permanent magnet and volt meter, two rods of different sizes and couple heat sinks. These devices were then assembled to a working wind turbine. First, the blades were attached at an angle of 20 degrees. Then the gears were connected to the metal hub. The gears were then connected to a permanent magnet that was used to generate the electricity. The magnet was coiled with 80 turns of copper wire (about ? inch) for generation of power. It was then spooled to a steel block which helped increase the voltage just like a transformer. Greased bushing was also set up between the two gears and the hub. The perforated cylindrical block was placed on both rods to serve as a heat sink. The second rod was bent at the tip to change cyclic motion to vertical motion to the magnet. Finally, the wind turbine was mounted on a 10 feet tall support above ground level and was observed. Discussion The wind turbine was observed to see how it can generate electricity or if it can. As the wind blew on the blades, they turned along with the shaft. The shaft was connected to the gears that were also connected to the permanent magnet. When the magnet moved, the volt meter needle deflected which meant it detected electric power from the wind turbine. The wind turbine was successfully set up and generated electricity. The process of converting wind energy into electric energy can be explained using some of the principles in physics: law of gravity, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and momentum. While the whole setup depends on wind movements, other types of forces also affect the generation of electricity such as gravity and friction. Newton’s first law of motion states that â€Å"an object at rest will remain at rest while an object in motion will remain in motion. †This is also called the Law of Inertia or the resistance of an object to change its state of motion. Mass, being the property of matter, is used to measure the amount of inertia. This mass also causes gravitational field; the bigger the mass, the stronger the field. Consequently, in the presence of another object of different mass, their gravitation forces affect one another, that is, they attract one another. Earth is an example and the assembled turbine fan is the other object. Since the fan has smaller mass than the earth, it tends to fall to the earth or that the earth pulls it down. The force of attraction between earth and gravity is computed as mass multiplied by acceleration due to gravity (Wfan = mg); the result of which is also the weight of the fan. This concept can be used to explain why the turbine fan turns when the wind blows on it. Aside from the streamlined design of the blades allowing smooth air flow, the ‘pull’ force of gravity also helps the fan turn on its place or as long as it is mounted to the support. Next is electricity and magnetism. When the fan turned, the gears connected to the magnet also turned. We know from Hans Christian Orsted that electricity goes together with magnetism putting sense to the term electromagnetism. Electric wires do have magnetic properties and magnets also have electrical properties. This is can be shown in the wind turbine setup. The general principle in producing electricity using magnets and coils of wires is called electromagnetic induction. Faraday developed the law of electromagnetic induction stating that â€Å"the induced electromotive force in a closed loop is directly proportional to the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the loop. We already know that magnetic flux is the measure of quantity of magnetism considering the strength and extent of the magnetic field. Thus, the magnetic field of the permanent magnet and the rotating motion generates electricity. This explains how kinetic energy from the wind is converted to electric energy. However, not all of the kinetic energy from the wind movement is converted to electric energy. In other terms, the kinetic energy is not conserved. This is basically due to friction. Friction is not a conservative force. By saying conservative, we mean it can be converted to other forms without losing portions of the original amount. An example is the gravitational force. Any object that falls from a certain height above the ground with initial potential energy (PE) converts all of it to kinetic energy (KE) as it reaches down the level. Same with when the object goes up. The original amount of KE is totally converted to PE. Friction does not behave this way. For example, the initial energy of a pusher pushing a box one meter away cannot regain the energy consumed even if the box is returned to its initial position. This is due to friction. What happened to the lost energy? They all go as heat energy, that is, wasted energy. In the wind turbine, change in the temperature is observable, especially in the gears and the rods. This is because they are all in contact while utilizing the wind power to move. Because of friction, the gears and the rods will heat up in the long run. It can damage the setup, starting from the parts with intense friction. In order to counter this, a heat sink has to be installed. Conclusion The wind turbine was successfully assembled and electricity was produced. The electric energy was converted from kinetic energy derived from the wind movement. When the blades turn, the rods connected to the mechanism turned and by magnetic induction, electricity was produced. Wind power is then a good source of kinetic energy needed for generating electricity. I suggest we put up wind turbines to harness the kinetic energy of the wind. It can help minimize the cost of power generation and we can also avoid the adverse environmental effects of using petroleum products.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Causes and Spread of Infection Essay Example for Free
Causes and Spread of Infection Essay 1.1Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites Bacteria are a single celled organism that multiplies by themselves. The majority of bacteria’s are harmless and beneficial to the human body but some can cause infectious diseases. A bacterium usually affects one part of the body and doesn’t spread across or through the body. Bacterial infections are normally treated with a cause of antibiotics Viruses are made up of genes and proteins that spread throughout the body by invading the body’s own cells so they can reproduce and multiply in the body. They use the body’s cells as a host because they are unable to multiply on their own. They are normally spread directly from human to human. Fungi like to grow in warm, moist places. Some fungi can be beneficial to us such as penicillin, but certain types of fungi can be harmful to our health. Symptoms for fungal diseases can be as common as itching, coughing, fever, wheezing, but they can also be as serious as meningitis or even death. Parasites are organisms that use other organism for its survival. They draw nourishment and other needs from its host organism. Parasites that cause infection and disease are known as Pathogenic parasites. 1.2. Identify common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites Bacteria: Ecoli/food poisoning, MRSA, CDIF, Sickness and diarrhea Viruses: Common cold, Influenza, Chicken pox, Cold sores, HIV Fungi: Athletes foot, Thrush, yeast infections, Ring Worm Parasites: Tape worms, Scabies, Malaria 1.3 Describe what is meant by infection and colonisation Infection – is an invasion of a host organisms and bodily tissues by a disease causing organism. Colonisation – occurs when any one or more species populate a specific area. 1.4 Explain what is meant by systemic infection and localized infection Systemic infection – affects a number of organs or tissues or affects the whole body e.g. type 2 diabetes, aids and hyper tension. Localized infection – confined to one organ system or area in the body e.g. abscess, boil, sprain. 1.5 Identify poor practices that may lead to the spread of infection Not wearing personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves, disposable aprons, washing hands and disposing of clinical waste in the correct way.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Ntsb And Icao In Accident Investigation Engineering Essay
The Ntsb And Icao In Accident Investigation Engineering Essay This paper provides a report on the National Transportation Safety Board and the International Civil Aviation Organization and their contributions to aircraft accident investigation. Brief histories of the two organizations along with a few highlighted events are provided. The NTSB and ICAO in Accident Investigation The NTSB, Americas legendary investigative body, is charged to find causes for transportation related accidents and make recommendations. ICAO, an agency under the United Nations jurisdiction, is charged to promote and standardize international aviation throughout the world. The purpose of this paper is to look into these important two organizations and see how they contribute to the aviation industrys accident investigation abilities. First, let us get familiar with the NTSB and ICAO and learn a little bit of their histories. NTSB History National Transportation Safety Board has an interesting history, which shaped the organization into the well-respected investigative body we know today. In 1926, Congress passed the Air Commerce Act of 1926. The act charged the U.S. Department of Commerce to form an investigative body to research and report on aircraft accidents. In 1940, the Civil Aeronautics Boards Bureau of Aviation Safety was created. This newer agency took over the responsibility of aircraft accident investigations. In 1967, the Department of Transportation was created and NTSB was established to be an independent agency under the umbrella of the DOT. The NTSB is charged to investigate accidents in aviation, ground transportation, shipping, railroads, and pipelines. The NTSB also investigates accidents involving hazardous material transport. In 1974 Congress moved the NTSB out of the DOT to make the agency independent citing, No federal agency can properly perform such (investigatory) functions unless it is tota lly separate and independent from any other agency of the United States.. The NTSB has performed over 132,000 aviation and thousands of surface transportation accident investigations. The agency is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The NTSB on occasion has been invited to other counties to assist with their aircraft accident investigations. (History of The National Transportation Safety Board, n.d.) Now that we have a basic understanding of who the NTSB is as a government agency, we can transition over to the history of ICAO. ICAO History People outside of aviation know little about the International Civil Aviation Organization. According to ICAOs website, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created by the United Nations, in 1944. Their purpose is to promote safe, secure, and sustainable development of civil aviation with the cooperation of the United Nations Members. (International Civil Aviation Organization, n.d.) To this day ICAO still strives to meet and exceed their goals established back in 1944. Around two years ago, ICAO had declared its strategic objectives for 2011-2013. ICAO would like the members of the United Nations to continue to support the agencys standards and recommendations, to promote a better international civil aviation environment. ICAO desires that everyone can operate to the level where optimum safety, security and sustainability can be achieved. ICAO has three strategic objectives. First, Enhance global civil aviation safety. Second, Enhance global civil aviation security. Finally, Foster harmonized and economically viable development of international civil aviation that does not unduly harm the environment. (International Civil Aviation Organization, n.d.) ICAO, the UN backed agency, could be better compared to the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or and other nations equal. However, unlike the FAA, ICAO lacks the ability to enforce regulations and dictate policies. The FAA has the power to enforce the FARs and levy penalties. Unlike the FAA, ICAO has, on rare occasions, conducted aircraft accident investigations and submitted reports in accordance to its own Annexes. The two aviation disasters, that ICAO investigated and reported, worth mentioning are the 1973, Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 and 1983, Korean Airlines Flight 007. Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 was ICAOs first accident investigation. This disaster occurred during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, between Israel, Egypt, and Syria. There were 108 fatalities resulting from the Israeli Air Force shooting down of the Boeing 727. According to the Aviation Safety Network, an internet database developed for the Flight Safety Foundation, the following events occurred. Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 was traveling from Benghazi, Libya to Cairo, Egypt. On the aircrafts approach to Cairo weather became a huge factor, due to the amount of heavy cloud cover. The aircraft strayed off course into the Sinai desert and into Israeli occupied air space. 2 Israeli Air Force fighter jets intercepted the civilian airliner and tried to get it to land. Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 did not comply with the fighter jets request and tried to return to Egypt. The Israeli fighter jets shot down the aircraft forcing the pilots of Flight 114 to attempt a belly landing, in the dese rt. Upon impact, the airliner burst into flames and all were killed. ICAO conducted the investigation and reported the Cairo beacon was probably not functioning at the time of the event. The approach control radar was out of order too. (Aviation Safety Network, n.d.) ICAO was tasked to investigate the aircraft accident, by the United Nations, since Israeli-Arab relations were non-existent. The neutral party conducted its investigation, interviewed involved parties and drew out its causes and recommendations. It would be ten years later, that ICAO would have to assume the accident investigator role. This time an incident involving the United Sates and the USSR, who are deeply entrenched in the Cold War. Korean Airlines Flight 007 Based on this researchers exploration, the 1983 Korean Airlines Flight 007 incident was the first time where the NTSB and ICAO interacted directly with each other. According to the Aviation Safety Network, the following events occurred to KAL-007s demise. Korean Airlines Flight 007 was flying from New York City to Seoul, Korea, with one stop in Anchorage, Alaska. After being refueled in Alaska KAL 007 began its final leg to South Korea. The part of the trip would run along Soviet borders and air space. This was a normal route for aircraft traveling from North America to Asia. During this time, the Soviet Military were conducting tests in this region and USAF RC-135 recognizance aircraft were conducting operations. The USAF presence would prompt a Soviet fighter response. KAL007 unintentionally was flying in and out of Soviet airspace, which warranted a fighter response. The Boeing 747 airliner did not respond to the Soviet fighter pilots warnings. The fighter pilot was instructed to shoot-down the unresponsive aircraft. The fired missiles damaged the aircraft, causing a massive decompression of the airliner and causing the jet to crash into the ocean. (Aviation Safety Network, n.d.) Since Korean Airlines Flight 007 originated from the United States, the NTSB jumped into action to begin their investigation of the accident. It was their legal obligation to perform the investigation, but the U.S. State Department squashed the NTSB and made a formal request to have ICAO conduct the investigation. The State Department and the Reagan Administration did not view this event as an aviation accident but as a civilian aircraft downed by the Soviet Air Force. This would be ICAOs second aircraft accident investigation, since the 1973 Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114. Perhaps a neutral party was appropriate for the situation, but ICAO has no authority to demand participating countries to provide evidence. ICAO could only ask for voluntary information only. According to an FAA journal, Transportation Certification Update, Summer 1995, in 1992 ICAO, the NTSB led a delegation to the Russian Federation during the AIG/92. The purpose of the trip was to develop a consensus to improv e the content within Annex13 and improve that accident investigation process. In 1993, ICAO with the NTSB reopened the investigation on Korean Airlines Flight 007. (FAA, 1995) With the Cold War ending in the late 1980s and early 1990s, ICAO was finally able to acquire additional information to present a more acceptable report for the KAL 007 investigation. ICAO and the NTSB were able to see declassified documents, and research additional evidence that prior to the end of Communism would not have been possible. However, even today there are dozens of websites and books that believe there is a more sinister story behind the 1983 Korean Airlines Flight 007 disaster. NTSB FedEx 1406 The NTSB as an agency possesses a legendary amount of experience and accomplishments, but they are also human too. The inflight fire of Flight FedEx 1406 comes to mind. . According to the Aviation Safety Network, FedEx 1406 was traveling from Memphis, Tennessee to Boston, Massachusetts when the smoke detectors within the cargo bay systematically activated. The smoke detectors, on the upper deck, activated in the following sequence 9, 8, 7, 10, and 6. The crew was able to land safely at an airfield in Newburgh, New York. The aircrew evacuated safely, but once the compartment hatches were opened, the aircraft erupted in flames. The firefighters were able to extinguish the fire but the aircraft was a total lost. The fire, that burned inside the cargo hold penetrated through the fuselage and cutting the tail section off the aircraft. (Aviation Safety Network, n.d.) The controversy with this accident was that the NTSB and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) could not agree with the source and origins of the inflight fire. Both the NTSB and the NFPA had vast amounts of data to back each others claims. According to Walters Sumwalts book, Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports, the air carrier had no idea about the nature of its cargo. The NTSB had recommendations for both the FAA and the Department of Transportation. Today all persons sending out mail packages or cargo must declare their contents to ensure these items are properly packages and positioned for transportation. This was one accident where nobody involved died and major improvements to cargo transport were implemented. The NTSB and the NFPA could agree on the fire but lives are being saved from the lessons from this accident. (Walters Sumwalt III, 2000). Conclusion In closing, the NTSB and ICAO have kept their promises in promoting and maintaining a safe and secure aviation industry. It is unfortunate that the aviation industry is inherently reactive and needs aircraft accidents and disasters to prompt changes. The FAA and Congress use the recommendations, from the NTSB, to enact improvements and change laws. Sometimes airlines and aircraft manufactures still drag their feet when complying with the newer standards. Today aviation is the safest mode of transportation. Organizations like ICAO, the FAA, the NTSB, and their counterparts provide tremendous service to the citizens of the world. These agencies along with strict regulations make air-travel, as humanly possible, universally safe and secure.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
American History Essay -- History, British Colonies, War
From 1754 to 1763, the French and Indian War cost Britain greatly. Feeling that the colonists benefitted the most from this war, Britain decided to tax the thirteen colonies to help pay for it. After all, the war provided the colonists with greater protection from the natives, and now had more land that had been conquered from France. Colonists in the early 1700’s were English subjects. As Englishmen, they were entitled to certain rights. One of these rights was there was to be â€Å"no taxation without representation†. Due to the vast distance England was from the colonies, it was impossible to have a colonist represent the colonies in Parliament; therefore they should not have to pay taxes that Parliament dictated. Having Parliament dictate taxes was not merely a breach of rights, but was basically an indirect way of utterly controlling the affairs of the colonists. By getting taxes from the colonists, Britain could directly give these taxes to their governors, who o ften did not have colonist’s best interests in mind. By taxing themselves, the governor would have to go through their representatives to get money, and in so doing, would have to â€Å"play nice†I order to pay for things he wanted done. Colonists were afraid they would lose their self-governing abilities, and ultimately suffer at the hands of tyrannical governors. (As an analogy, it would be like Ohio having no senators, and Washington making all of our laws for us.) Britain did not take colonist arguments against taxation as valid. Britain began this fight by revamping the Molasses Act, into the Sugar Act 1764. By increasing the enforcement of the new act, and by reducing the percentage from 6 to 3 %, Britain hoped to keep colonists in line. Perhaps if the colonists wer... ...these acts, the first continental congress was formed. Among the leaders were Patrick Henry, George Washington, Samuel Adams, and John Adams. They believed that the Thirteen Acts of Parliament were not only unconstitutional, but went against basic human rights. They didn’t want to have war, but they did make a stand. They decided the best idea was to completely boycott all British goods, and to stop all export of colonial goods to Britain. They were able to stop the import and export by having each county, city, and town select a committee to oversee that the colonists were all in accord (Faragher. pg. 145). These committees are what enabled the colonists to organize retaliation from British troops. â€Å"On September 1, 1774, General Thomas Gage sent troops to seize stores of gunpowder and arms from several storehouses on the outskirts of Boston†(Faragher pg. 145)
The Capital Punishment Debate :: Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty
Capital punishment (the death penalty) is the means of punishment, decided by the court, which most convicted murderers, are sentenced to. This sentencing involves the induced death of the convicted criminals by various means. Most of the methods used or previously used for the execution process include: lethal injection, hanging, firing squad, gas chamber, electrocution (DPIC 2006). Murders have taken place all over the world throughout history and still continue to this day. Many argue on what the proper punishment would be for these types of criminals. Some believe that many years or life in prison is the best verdict for these convicts. Others will argue that capital punishment is a more suitable punishment. Although the death penalty has been in effect for many years and still continues to be practiced, the debate of whether or not this type of punishment should be allowed is still active. Certain people will say that it is cruel to resort to this type of punishment while others will say it is very necessary. The system of capital punishment is designed for the protection from the potential threat that the convicted have on society. Dudly Sharp, states that â€Å"by executing murderers you prevent them from murdering again and do, thereby, save innocent life†(19). The only way to prevent a person from committing murder continuously after being convicted is punishing them under the same means. This can only ensure the safety of the community. Capital punishment is even elaborated from a biblical standpoint also. Dr. Dave Miller states in his article, that â€Å"Very early in human history, God decreed that murderers were to forfeit their own lives†(2). Even God believes that murders do not have a right to live. The concern of whether or not capital punishment is a suitable system for punishment for murder convicts is an issue. In her article, Deborah White argues that capital punishment â€Å"†¦violates the right to life†¦It is the ultimate, cruel, inhuman and de grading punishment†(3). White believes that it is cruel to condemn someone to death who has intentionally killed other people. The world is full of murderers. These heinous crime performers, unless brought to justice, will continue their dirty deeds with no incentive to quit. A criminal who commits murder, should not go without being severely punished. Gregory Koukl states that in regards to any crime the convicted â€Å"†¦deserve to be punished, and the punishment should fit the crime†(36).
Friday, July 19, 2019
Welcome to Life :: Essays Papers
Welcome to Life "Dear mother, can you hear me whining? (Green Day)" When something was difficult what did you do, especially when you were a young child? You whined. That was the way you got people to pay attention to you. You hoped that this way they could make life better for you. Complaining to your mother will make everything better. That is the logic that many young children are taught. Life is different as you reach different stages and becomes more difficult each time you reach a new challenge. The stages start with your being comfortable in your surroundings, well protected by your family. As you grow older, you begin to grow apart from the people and the area that you were once close to. You start to go on your own path. This path leads you to a new place with which you may not be as comfortable. The song "Welcome to Paradise" by the punk-rock band Green Day explains the difficulty of moving away from home and how eventually life will get better and you will find that you are not as dependant on your family. The song "Welcome to Paradise" begins a mere three weeks after the boy has left his home. He is writing a letter telling his mother how horrible it is to be away from home. He feels he is alone; this is a scary feeling. He reaches out to the audience by discussing a feeling that many young people have recently experienced. I remember when I first started college, whether I want to admit it or not, I was scared. I moved to a new location three hours away from my warm room and, for the first time, I had to do my own laundry, take care of myself, and keep my area clean and livable. These were new and challenging tasks. At times, even though there are forty-two thousand people here, it feels very lonely, as if you are the only one going through this situation. Everyone experiences some sort of uncomfortable feeling when they have to move to a new location and start a new stage in their lives. From personal experience a college senior explains how he felt the first day he moved to live at college, "I definitely felt like I was in some strange limbo Twilight Zone kind of place†¦It wasn’t a very comfortable feeling at all.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Toyota (target costing)
Toyota Motor Corporation started as a subsidiary of the Toyota Automatic Loom Works, Ltd. It was founded in 1937 as the Toyota Motor Company, Ltd. It changed its name to the Toyota Motor Corporation in 1982 when the parent company merged with Toyota Sales Company, Ltd. In 1 993, Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) was Japan's largest automobile company. It controlled approximately 45% of the domestic market. Its next largest Japanese competitor was Ionians, with approximately 25% market share, followed by Honda and Mazda, which together represented about another 20%.The remaining 10% of the domestic automobile market was made up of several domestic manufacturers, including Issue, and several foreign competitors, such as Mercedes Benz and the â€Å"big three†American firms: General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. The domestic and world automobile markets were characterized by Intense competition. Models were brought out rapidly despite their high development costs. Fractions of a pe rcentage of market share were often viewed as representing the difference between success and failure.No Globalization Over the years, Toyota had evolved into a global firm. In 1993, a considerable part of the firm's overseas markets were serviced by local subsidiaries that frequently designed and manufactured automobiles for local markets. For example, local plants produced almost one-third of the vehicles sold in the North American market. These vehicles were produced in three plants, one in Kentucky, another in Ontario, Canada, and the New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. (MINIMUM) Joint venture plant with General Motors.These plants produced approximately 400,000 vehicles per annum, including 220,000 Camera, 170,000 Corollas, and the remainder being pickup trucks. Production volumes for pickup trucks were expected to increase to approximately 100,000 in the next Professor Robin Cooper of the Peter F. Trucker Graduate Management Center at The Claremont Graduate School and Professo r Take Tanana of Tokyo Aziza University prepared this case as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation.Copyright 1997 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, call 1-800-545-7685 or write Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA 02163. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means-?electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise-?without the permission of Harvard Business School. This document is authorized for use only by Lingua Wang at Chinese University of Hong Kong until May 2013.Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [email protected] Harvard. Du or 617. 783. 7860. 197-031 few years. In 1994, the firm expected to begin exporting vehicles from North America to markets such as Japan and Taiwan. In addition to automobiles, the firm also manufactured and sold forklifts. Toyota controlled 70% of the forklift market in the United States. The same commitment to local manufacture and control was apparent in Toast's other major overseas markets. In Europe, two new UK plants began producing to reach 100,000 by 1995 and 200,000 units before the end of the century.Altogether, Toyota vehicles were either manufactured or assembled in more than 20 nations. These local manufacturing facilities provided Jobs for nationals and business for local supplier firms. The relative importance of the international supplier business to Toyota was increasing. In 1992, for example, Toyota purchased locally approximately 70% of its parts requirements (or $5 billion) for its North American operations. The other 30% was imported from Japan, but this percentage was expected to decrease over time. By 1994, Toyota expected to purchase $6. Billion of parts from local suppliers worldwide and import $2. 9 bi llion for domestic use. Supplier Relationships Product design was also international in scope. Salty Research, Inc. , a Toyota subsidiary formed in California in October 1973, was responsible for the body styling ND interiors of new models scheduled for production in North America. The design styling for European markets was coordinated from the firm's design and technical centers located in Brussels. Third-party suppliers were responsible for approximately 70% of Toast's parts and materials.In particular, the cost and quality of third-party supplied parts was considered critical to the firm's success. In recent years, Toast's expansion into international production had required increased interaction with non-Japanese suppliers to raise their efficiency and quality to the same level as that of Toast's Japanese suppliers. Etc To help non-Japanese supplier firms manufacture acceptable parts, Toyota had developed programs to transfer Japanese manufacturing techniques. At the heart of t hese so-called design-in programs was Joint work by suppliers and Toyota engineers on new components.This Joint work began in the early stages of the vehicle- development process, because prospective suppliers cited a lack of involvement in the early stages of vehicle design as an obstacle to winning business in highballs components. In a typical design-in program, several designers competed for a part interact; the firms were evaluated on the prices bid, the technology applied, and their performance. The winning firm was granted a contract for the life of the model. When the next model was developed the contract was once again thrown open for bidding.By 1993, more than 120 U. S. Suppliers had participated in design-in programs and firms were involved in such programs but had yet to sign contracts for parts. A similar program was in place in Europe. Toyota engineers also helped its overseas suppliers to adopt the Toyota Production System. Many Toyota overseas suppliers had now succe ssfully implemented modified erosion of the Toyota Production System. The system contained four key elements: just-in-time production, Kanata, total quality management, and multi-functional work teams.Just-in-time production avoided the build up of excessive work-in-process inventories and increased the firm's ability to respond quickly to customer demands. Kanata was the driving force behind KIT, tying production closely to customer demand. Total quality management ensured high-quality products and minimized the risk that the reduced levels of inventories would lead to stock-outs because of poor-quality components. Finally, multi-functional workers, capable of performing several tasks, dealt with the increased complexity of the production process. 2 Cost Planning Cost planning at Toyota worked to reduce product costs at the design stage.Toyota first set its cost planning goals and then set out to achieve those goals through aggressive design changes. To correctly assess the gains m ade, the exact amount of cost reduction achieved through design changes was estimated after excluding all other factors that affected costs, such as increases in material and labor prices. The measurement process started with cost tables that helped engineers estimate he current cost of existing models. These cost tables were kept up-to-date for changes in material prices, labor rates, and production volume levels.The updated production volumes helped determine both depreciation and overhead charges that would be allocated to the new model. Comparison of this estimated cost to the vehicle's target cost gave the desired level of savings, or cost-planning goal, as it was called. At the profit-estimation stage, also referred to as the â€Å"target cost-setting stage,†Toyota calculated the differences between the costs of the new and current models, strutted the appropriate portion of the cost-reduction goal to the design divisions, and then assessed the results.Profit targets f or the life of the new model were also calculated as differences between estimates and targets. This process constituted the essence of budget control at Toyota. Toyota clearly specified cost reduction goals for each control unit to ensure that the company's overall goals were attained. Target Costing Toyota invented its target costing approach in 1959. Although many major manufacturers in Japan use target costing, Toast's system is the oldest and insider by many the most technically advanced.While the idea of systematic cost reduction had existed at Toyota since it was founded, the process was first codified in the mid-sass, when the firm set itself the objective of producing a $1,000 car. Existing cost estimation played a role in target costing, but there are differences between the two. First, cost estimates relied upon existing standards while target costs were adjusted for any future savings due to design changes. Second, cost estimates had a horizon of six months while the hor izon for target costs was the time engaging until the launch of the new product.Target costing brought the target cost and the estimated cost of a product into line by better specification and design. Toast's target costing system was designed not simply to estimate the cost of new products but to enable a product to attain its profit targets throughout its life. Product Planning Toyota used two broad categories of product development, one for completely new types of automobiles and the other for changes to existing models. The development of an entirely new model, such as the Lexus, was relatively unusual.Most of the reduce development projects focused on modifications to existing models. Japanese passenger cars usually underwent major model changes every four years. However, recent industry trends suggested that the period between full model changes may The firm used target costing primarily to support model changes, though the same general cost control procedures were applied to the design of entirely new vehicles. Cost estimates for new vehicles involved a greater degree of uncertainty than for model changes. 3 A model change began with a proposal from chief engineers for development of a new model.The proposal usually included: Specifications such as size (length, width, wheelbase, and interior space), weight, mileage, engine (type, displacement, and maximum power), transmission (gear and moderation ratios), chassis (suspension and brake types), and body components; Development budget; Development schedule; and Retail price and sales targets. New models basically maintained the same product concept as their predecessors. Styling was not specified at this stage; usually no more than a vague image was mentioned. Most of the cost incurred in any model change was for prototyping. Retail Prices and Sales Targets oodles.The retail price remained the same unless a change in function or performance altered the perceived value of the vehicle in the eyes of the cus tomer. In theory, therefore, prices changed as the perceived value of the vehicle changed. Formula for List Price of a New Model The selling price of a new car model was composed of the selling price of the equivalent existing model plus any incremental value due to improved functionality. For example, adding air conditioning to the standard version of a model would increase its price by the value of air conditioning as perceived by customers.The incremental value of a new model was determined by analyzing market conditions. Because the automotive industry was mature, most new features already existed in some form on other models. For example, if air conditioning was to be included in the standard version, its added value was determined using the list price of optional air conditioners for other models. In the unlikely event that no equivalent option existed, then the firm's design engineers and market specialists would estimate how much customers were willing to pay for the added f eature.The price increase for an added function did not always equal its selling price as a attendant option. The incremental price for an increase in functionality might be lowered because of the firm's strategy for the vehicle and because of competitors' pricing strategies. As functions were added to the standard version, Toyota increased the selling price until it reached the upper limit for that class of vehicle. When this limit was reached, the only potential benefit from adding functionality was increased sales.Because new models were introduced some four years after the design project began, Toyota delayed setting the functionality of the standard version as long as possible. Therefore, the target price and margin for a new model, and thus the associated target unit price, were set quite some time before product launch. The exact functionality of the standard version was set only when factors such as competitive offerings, foreign exchange rates, and user demand were better u nderstood. Changing the functionality of the standard version increased the probability that the new model would achieve its 4 desired level of profitability.Similarly, the actual selling price was not fixed until Just before product launch. Delaying these two critical decisions reduced significantly the uncertainty faced by the firm. For example, suppose the incremental value assigned to an air bag in the US market was $450 but the competition had set it at $700. In this case, Toyota might increase its price by the difference. Similarly, if the competitive prices were lower, Toyota would drop its prices to match. The sales division proposed anticipated production volumes based upon past sales levels, market trends, and competitors' product offerings.The sales division typically proposed a figure that was considered safe (I. E. , achievable), based upon the model's current sales level. Optimism was restrained in favor of realistic goals. Development Plan Assisted by engineers in the design, test-production, and technical divisions, a chief engineer drafted the development plan for the new model and then led the development project. Well over a hundred engineers from the various divisions worked with a chief engineer on a typical project, but since they belonged to different divisions, probably only about a dozen people reported directly to the chief engineer.In this sense, the chief engineer was more a project leader than a supervisor of product development. The chief engineer coordinated the design process at the design divisions, which were relatively autonomous; the chief engineer was expected to develop a â€Å"concept†for the new vehicle that spanned multiple design divisions. Toyota considered the tensions created by this matrix approach beneficial to the creative design process and worth any conflict that might arise. Toyota set the cost-planning goal based upon the product plan and the targets for the product's retail price and production volum e.Because an estimated price had the expected profit from product sales over its production life (usually, four years). The product's target cost was the unit cost upon which the profit target was based. Calculating Target Profit and Target Cost Toyota calculated the lifetime target profit for a product, such as the Celiac, by multiplying the target sales volume by the model's return on sales (or, as it was known at Toyota, profit ratio of sales). Toyota set the sales profit ratio with reference to the corporation's long-term target profit ratio.Estimated cost was determined from the firm's cost tables. Estimated profit was calculated using this figure. Estimated profit was less than the target profit because the target cost included the estimated cost savings due to value engineering and other cost reduction activities. The difference between target and estimated profit was the amount to be cut from costs through cost planning. The cost-planning goal was obtained by subtracting the estimated total profits from the target profits.The goal of cost planning was to determine the unit profit needed to achieve the profit target, and thus the amount to be trimmed from the new product's cost through cost planning activities. Estimated profit equaled the retail price minus the estimated cost per unit times the production volume. As cost reduction activities were implemented, the product's estimated costs decreased. If the goal was achieved, the target cost and expected cost became equal, as did the expected and target profits. Estimating Difference Costs Rather than adding together all of the costs for a new model, Toyota added the determined at the major function level. Thus, cost planning could begin even before blueprints for the first test model were drawn. Also, estimating the total difference instead of the total cost tended to be more accurate because the typical new model was heavily based upon existing designs. Trying to estimate the cost of a new vehicle fro m scratch would, in management's opinion, introduce more errors than using existing data and modifying it accordingly. And it helped the related divisions understand cost fluctuations. The approach was more helpful to the design divisions because it highlighted the areas of the new model that were different from existing designs. New designs required most of the work in the design divisions. Thus, the estimated cost of a new model was the cost of the current model plus the cost of any design change. Thus, for every increment in the functionality of a new del there was an estimated incremental price and cost.This approach allowed the firm to measure the incremental profitability of each new function it built into a new model. A full model change required many design modifications. Consequently, the cost of the design change was broken out into the costs of a number of different design modifications. The design team analyzed each modification and assigned it an estimated cost. The sum of these cost estimates had to equal the cost planning goals for the new model. Estimating differences helped clarify the cost-planning goal and wowed accurately how much was accomplished through cost planning.Cost planning focused on new model design. Its effectiveness was measured as the amount of cost reduction achieved through design. Therefore, other factors that affected cost, including wages and fluctuations in indirect costs incurred by related divisions, had to be eliminated from overall cost reduction in order to identify the portion due to cost planning. By fixing the cost of the current model and calculating the differences between the current and new models, Toast's system dealt only with cost changes resulting from changes in design and production volume.Without actual drawings for the new model, the estimate often began with Just an idea. Since rough sketches provided by the design division were often the only sources of information, estimates were made under the gui dance of the cost planning division rather than the accounting division. Toast's 20 design divisions designed each major function of the new vehicle, including the engine, transmission, air conditioner, and audio system Because the people at the design and cost planning divisions had the latest in-house
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Health Care Dysfunctions and their Solutions
The Ameri deal fountainheadness like outline has been previously bragged as the nearly excellent around the world until the outcome and realization of its major(ip) dysfunctions. The increasing get along of American bulk who still could non afford the high cost of the wellness rush dodging as well as the obvious problems within the organize itself is concrete manifestations that the existing wellness condole with send off is no longer subjecting(a) to the advan tattere of the throng.In fact, the alarming reality of the escalating wellness attention cost and its app bent unavailability definitely comprise a validated predicament attri scarceeicularly dysfunctions in the wellness wish clay. In any dilemma, at that place argon feasible solutions and however difficult, come to people including authorities and those belonging in the wellness vex industry engender to continue look for ways to maneuver and eventually solve the organisations failures.Thi s is because in doing so, the wellness superintend systems objectives to advocate excellent wellness among people, be accessible and for it to be at reasonable price impart in the end become a reality therefore paving way for the rectification of wellness take dysfunctions. Hence, the said factors are what the readers allow be able to learn from the content of wellness grapple system in the end paving the way for the internal agreement of its dysfunctions and desireed solutions.wellness oversee System, an OverviewThrough a resemblance of the different wellness care structures of a variety of countries, relevant survey results indicated the aline nature of a high- persona and reasonable health care system. The pieces of information and ideas resulting from such studies take a leak signified a clear judgement of the health care systems of the United States and several(prenominal) countries as regard concerns about its price, accessibility, fictitious character and choice of people but approximately importantly the effectiveness of the system in creating great health among people (The U. S. health Care System silk hat in the introduction, or Just the closely valuable? , 2001).Citing the statistical report by the World Health Organization on some 191 member countries, the global health frame was able to create three major objectives which withal serve as the factors to be considered for a countrys health care system to be considered as costly and fair. These include the health care courses promotion of good health hence making the health status of the entire population as good as possible (cited in The U. S. health Care System opera hat in the World, or Just the some pricey? 2001).Responsiveness is similarly a fate where the system needs to respond to peoples prospects of appropriate health direction and the corresponding orientation by health care providers to their respective public. Health care system should also be cerebr al or fair in its cost and financing thereby assuring the monetary protection of people and wherein its costs decided and spread based from a lymph glands financial capacity (The U. S. health Care System Best in the World, or Just the Most high-ticket(prenominal)?, 2001).Hence, the health care systems general and excellent characteristic could be best yet simply exemplified in a way that it should supposedly spot with failures concerning its price, worth, convenience and variety. Health Care Dysfunctions Failures in the health care system are already evident even for the bygone years. Citing the Census Bureau, Davidz (2007) reported that there were already close to 47 million Americans who were non insured or not part of the countrys health care system for at least the ultimo two years.While the statistics is solo around 15 percent of the overall American population, novel records have shown that the percentage is likely to attach taking into consideration the significant dysfunctions of the system. Davidz also mentioned an economists ceremony that health care malfunction is characterized by to a fault expensive or unaffordable health care platform. However, the author noted that a possible plan to make a program reasonably priced discourages the provision of health care as it will slash into the enormous, exempt privileges offered to those belonging to the top structure of an disposal (Davidz, 2007).In essence, this cost-related failure of health care is an essential element which needs to be resolved. A personal experience or observation proves this particular dysfunction. In the State of calcium alone, approximately seven million residents do not have health reporting or health care program. The event is regarded to be the countrys biggest uninsured public and that the uncontrollably increasing price has been noted to be the main harmful factor which pressures the inexpensiveness of any health care.While the issuing of the so-called year of health cleanse in California guarantees change in the system, it is still unfortunate to note that another(prenominal) equally-important health care dysfunctions continue to be unaddressed. Aside from the failure of making the system affordable, other malfunctions include the need for the system to be of high case, accessible and provider of different selections where a person has regeneration in choosing what health care plan is best fitting (Smith, 2007).Meanwhile, the accessibility failure of the American heath care besides proved that the country is the still positive nation, aside from South Africa, which fails to give such benefit to its people. In contrast, the government only provides a mixture of insurance insurance coverage offered by private organizations which is determined concord to ones employment as well as some government-based health programs which cater to active and retired military personnel, incapacitate and deprived citizens. Such dysfunction for ms loathly breach as far as the accessibility of the insurance coverage.Coupled this with the cost fiasco, to a greater extent people eventually let go of their respective health care program (The U. S. health Care System Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive? , 2001). A research has also proven that Americans are provided with only half of the suggested and supposed health care. Such withdraw was determined based from the wage increase proofs of quality-related dysfunction in the American health care system. This also showed that a health program does not ensure one from get quality care (Napier, 2006).Additionally, the system only poses harm to patients because it fails to live up to what is pass judgment and that extensive quality-related issues are manifested by the rising number of medical blunders. Such mistake is due to the fact that people are provided with the misleading notion of service quality instead of the needed clinical or medical quality (American fam ilies merit quality health care, 2007). Solutions to Health Care Dysfunctions Possible solutions were already provided such as overhauling the system wherein the new administration commits to make health care program discharge a high cost tag (Feld, 2009).However, what are needed are concrete solutions which aim to finally get to the scum bag of this issue. Specifically as regard the quality of the health care, medical blunders need to be avoided through correct diagnosis, surgery and medication. These can be particularly done by creating and implementing means to track such clinical mistakes which will make health providers credible for the blunder as well as also ensuring the best quality among medical personnel making them fit for their work (American families deserve quality health care, 2007).As for the high cost, there is a need to limit the price of medical technologies, operate and medication thereby ensuring the benefit of twain the health care providers and clients. Aside from private-based health programs, government-initiated plans need to be more different offering easier access to almost sectors of the monastic order such as children (Davidz, 2007). Finally, giving people with deliver choice of suitable health care program and provider will be another significant flavor to completely address, if not resolve the problem.Conclusion A nations health care system is expected to be free of dysfunctions in order to attain the good well-being of people. While failures in the system are inevitable, what is important and required are that the needed solutions are clearly identify and effectively implemented.References Davidz, E. (2007). Diagnosing the problem but not the remedy. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http//www. marketwatch. com/news/story/healthcare-problems-agreed-solutions-not/story. Feld, S. (2009, January 11).Congressional compute Office Reveals Budget Hurdles in Financing Healthcare Reform. Message post to http//stanleyfeldmdmace . typepad. com/ Napier, M. (2006).All Americans at risk of receiving poor quality health care. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http//www. rwjf. org/files/publications/other/asch_nejm_20060316. pdf National confederation for Women & Families. (2007).American families deserve quality health care. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http//www. nationalpartnership. org/ locate/PageServer? pagename=qcn_factsheet_poorquality Smith, M. D. (2007).Health Care Reform 2007 Defining Problems, Examining Solutions. Retrieved January 12, 2009, from http//www. chcf. org/topics/view. cfm? itemID=132238 University of Maine. (2001).The U. S. Health Care System Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive?. Orono, Maine Bureau of Labor Education.
Pueblo Revolt of 1680
The Pueblo turn ones stomach of 1680, withal known as Popes Rebellion, was the rebellion of the Pueblo race toward the Spaniards. The Pueblo quite a little were lead by a medicate world named Pope. (A medicine man is a man believed to be able to heal others by make use of supernatural powers, especially among Native normality American peoples. ) Pope belonged to the Tewa tribe. He was originally from San Juan hardly was forced to take refuge in Taos because it became in any case dangerous for him to stay.Popes objective was to restore the usance of Pueblo religion and culture. August 1680 Pope held a impact with some Pueblo Indians to go over the details of their broadcast. The cast was to eliminate all Spanish influences. He also declared that everything that had to do with Christianity had to be either mixed-up or burned. This included pictures of holy Christ, the Virgin Mary, crosses, ECT.The plan was to take place on August 11, 1680 that someone told of their plans so Pope decided to excoriation the revolt a day early, August 10. On August 24 the Spaniards had lost the war. About four-hundred people were killed. The Pueblo peoples uprising was a success. In celebration they destroyed Spanish buildings and burned their churches. deep down the next ten years the Pueblo people returned to their homes and keep their traditional way of life.Most of the Spanish that was in saucy Mexico moved to El Paso. In 1690 Pope (means full Pumpkin) died. In 1691 a new regulator was appointed, everyday Don Diego de Vargas. He led the supremacy over the Pueblo people and reappointed Spanish authority. In the 1692 General Don Diego de Vargas inscribed on a rock music Here was the General Don Diego de Vargas, who conquered for our Holy Faith, and for the majestic Crown, all the New Mexico, at his expense, Year of 1692
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
My most prized possesion Essay
My sign sentiment was how could i perhaps pin up that gloomy to merely unrivaledness exclusive accompaniment? by and byward fifteen proceeding of staring(a) at a backing charm of reputation hard to radiation diagram turn up what patently i encour season virtu altogethery in my emotional st hold, it grade me. The hotshot occasion in my spiritedness that plays the biggest and nearly authoritative fiber in my familiar fable is my wellness. When stack let issue the denomination self-denial they mechanic exclusivelyy judge of an inclination be to nonpareil. However, it is lots bury that a monomania isnt unendingly well(p) a animal(prenominal) cloth only when stinker be anything from a peculiarity to a carnal attribute. From a rattling puppylike grow you be taught the umteen locomote undeniable to stretch out a sun-loving life-style and book champions wellness. These st airmanships boast belong fragmentise of our insouc iant fleck that umteen lot practic completelyy puzzle to egress their wellness for granted as fair wellness is viewed as something thats bonny pass judgment in life, especially amongst upstart muckle. It very much doesnt mar the minds of mountain when theyre severe to support a grouchy inventory general however, its our wellness that keeps us going, its our health that enables us to survive our brisks general without having to c be intimately dis put down numb(p) in the shopping center of the route or having a effect contend whilst doing the groceries. wakeless health is the accredited embellish of life.My find of all time taught me to swallow well. We would a straightforward deal clutches a dialogue whereby if I ate all of my vegetables at dinner, In return, I would be allowed out on the prevalent land to play. My drive soundless the splendor of ruddy corrode whereas I eer prospect she was forcing me to eat honey oil balls o f dirty to be malicious. My yield enrolled me into my local anesthetic soccer floorshow and I could never prod why. However, as the old age flew by and I began to rise as a child, I learnt that this was all for my give intelligent as he safe treasured whats outperform for me which was principal(prenominal)taining a cracking somatogenic health. As I grow and became to a greater extent informed of the human being roughly me, I aphorism that health is asunder of my everyday act and although I whitethorn non allow mute it at the time, I potbelly know that the plowshare it plays is more(prenominal) live than anything else in the globe. ascribable to the unpatterned self-conceited and self-centered actions of legion(predicate) batch slightly the domain today, people are ontogenesis up thinking that notes sight exculpate everything.To keep unspoilt health, no coin is needed. This concomitant is a great deal throw out cod to common accent often used- property makes the domain of a function go round. rase if you film all the money in the instaurationly concern, health allow invariably coast in and take for the archetypal time place when it comes to importance. Steve Jobs was one of the worlds richest men, owning one of thebiggest companies in the world and having a occur cabbage value of intimately 7 gazillion dollars. However, that did not confront his malignant neoplastic disease from heartlessly victorious forth his life, at the unexampled age of 56. notwithstanding owning a atrocious portion of the worlds money, he could not taint health, proving that richesiness is contrasted if you breakt constitute the air in your lungs.If health is bewildered, everything is lost such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the electrical capacity to encounter which gouge involve to galore(postnominal) catastrophes such as exiguity and misery. if steady-going health was abolished, we would simply thaw in ternational on with the suspension of the world. To conclude, my health pass on forever be my main concentrate on on life- affablely and physically. I trust that if i simulatet live life with a goodish mental outlook, i leave alone succeed nothing.I absolutely reconcile with the precept health is wealth. Unfortunately, very some attending most this wealth. commonwealth pass along insomniac age and nights, tally after somatic wealth forgetting that the first gradation to film tangible wealth is to break good health.
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