Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Historiographic Metafiction Essay Example
Historiographic Metafiction Essay Example Historiographic Metafiction Essay Historiographic Metafiction Essay Article Topic: Absalom Wear Quixote Book I Dostoevsky Jorge Borges Short Stories Kurt Vonnegut Short Stories Slaughterhouse Five Tune of Solomon The outskirts of a book are neer particular: past the rubric. the principal lines. what's more, the last full-stop. past its interior heavenly body and its autonomous signifier. it is up to speed in an arrangement of notices to different books. different writings. different sentences: it is a hub inside a web. - Foucault What we will in general name postmodernism in writing today is ordinarily described by exceptional self-reflexivity and clearly parodic intertextuality. In fiction this implies it is regularly metafiction that is compared with the postmodern. Given the scarceness of exact meanings of this easy to refute period nickname. such a condition is much of the time acknowledged without request. What I would wish to reason is that. in the inclusions of accuracy and consistence. we should add another thing to this definition: an each piece mindful element of history. My hypothetical record here is postmodern design. that undauntedly parodic recalling of the historical backdrop of building signifiers and maps. The subject of the 1980 Venice Biennale. which acquainted postmodernism with the engineering universe. was The Presence of the Past. The term postmodernism. at the point when utilized in fiction. should. by relationship. best be held to portray fiction that is at one time metafictional and verifiable in its resonations of the writings and settings of the days gone by. So as to isolate this self-opposing creature from customary verifiable fiction. I would wish to mark it historiographic metafiction. The class of novel I am accepting of incorporates One Hundred Old times of Solitude. Jazz. The Gallic Lieutenant’s Woman. what's more, The Name of the Rose. These are mainstream and recognizable books whose metafictional self-reflexivity ( and intertextuality ) renders their inexplicit cases to chronicled veracity somewhat easily proven wrong. to express the least. 3 LINDA HUTCHEON In the consequence of ongoing attacks by abstract and philosophical hypothesis on innovator formalist shutting. postmodern American fiction. in unconventional. has looked to free itself up to history. what exactly Edward Said ( The World ) calls the world. In any case, it appears to hold found that it can not do anymore so in any guiltless way: the conviction of direct notice of the authentic novel or even the nonfictional novel is no more. So is simply the sureness reference suggested in the Borgesian guarantee that both writing and the universe are each piece accepted universes. The postmodern connection among fiction and history is a considerably progressively complex one of communication and normal finding. Historiographic metafiction attempts to find itself inside authentic talk without give uping its freedom as fiction. Furthermore, it is a kind of sincerely dry parody that impacts the two purposes: the intertexts of history and fiction take on simple ( however non equivalent ) position in the parodic modifying of the printed days gone by of both the world and writing. The printed consolidation of these intertextual days of old ( s ) as a constituent basic part of postmodernist fiction maps as a proper marker of accuracy both scholarly and common. From the start glimpse it would look that it is just its constant dry motioning of distinction at the very chest of similitude that recognizes postmodern parody from medieval and Renaissance impersonation ( see Greene 17 ) . For Dante. with respect to E. L. Doctorow. the writings of writing and those of history are each piece simply game. By the by. a separation ought to be made: Traditionally. stories were taken. as Chaucer took his ; or they were felt to be the basic things of a progress or network †¦ These important events. envisioned or existent. put outside phonetic correspondence the way history itself should. in a status of unadulterated event ( Gass 147 ) . Today. there is an arrival to the idea of a typical dianoetic property in the inserting of both scholarly and chronicled messages in fiction. be that as it may, it is an arrival made disputable by plainly metafictional averments of both history and writing as human ideas. so. as human fantasies essential. in any case, none the less illusive for all that. The intertextual parody of historiographic metafiction institutes. in a way. the places of certain current students of history ( see Canary and Kozicki ) : it offers a feeling of the nearness of the past. yet, this is a past that can just be known from its writings. its follows be they artistic or recorded. Obviously. so. what I need to name postmodernism is a self-opposing social wonder. also, it is other than one that works across numerous customary subjects. In cutting edge hypothetical talk. for case. we find baffling logical inconsistencies: those quintessential disavowals of order. totalising refutations of totalization. continuous attest4 HISTORIOGRAPHIC METAFICTION ings of irregularity. In the postmodern novel the shows of both fiction and historiography are simultaneously utilized and mishandled. introduced and sabotaged. affirmed and denied. Also, the double ( abstract/authentic ) nature of this intertextual parody is one of the significant offices by which this dumbfounding ( and determining ) nature of postmodernism is literarily recorded. Potentially one of the grounds why there has been such het contention on the meaning of postmodernism late is that the conclusions of the doubleness of this parodic method have non been to the full inspected. Books like The Book of Daniel or The Public Burning-whatever their complex intertextual layering-can unquestionably non be said to avoid history. anything else than they can be said to dismiss either their moorages in cultural world ( see Graff 209 ) or an unmistakable political reason ( see Eagleton 61 ) . Historiographic metafiction figures out how to satisfy such a longing for common tying down piece at a similar clasp scrutinizing the very balance of the approval of that mooring. As David Lodge has put it. postmodernism shortcircuits the spread among text and universe ( 239-4 0 ) . Conversations of postmodernism appear to be more inclined than most to perplexing self-inconsistencies. again perhaps as a result of the self-opposing nature of the subject itself. Charles Newman. for case. in his provocative book The Post-Modern Aura. Starts by determining postmodern workmanship as an analysis on the tasteful history of whatever type it receives ( 44 ) . This would. so. be craftsmanship which sees history just in tasteful footings ( 57 ) . Be that as it may. while fighting an American rendition of postmodernism. he relinquishes this metafictional intertextual definition to name American writing a writing without essential impacts. a writing which does not have a known parentage. suffering from the uneasiness of non-impact ( 87 ) . As we will see. an investigation of the books of Toni Morrison. E. L. Doctorow. John Barth. Ishmael Reed. Thomas Pynchon. what's more, others throws a reasonable vulnerability on such proclamations. On the one manus. Newman needs to reason that postmodernism at enormous is undauntedly parodic ; on the other. he states that the American postmodern deliberately puts separation among itself and its abstract progenitors. a mandatory if every so often soul stricken interference with the past ( 172 ) . Newman is non completely in his screening of postmodern parody as a signifier of dry break with the days gone by ( see Thiher 214 ) . in any case. as in postmodernist engineering. there is ever a conundrum at the chest of that post : mockery does so label the distinction from an earlier time. in any case, the intertextual resounding simultaneously attempts to avow literarily and hermeneutically-the association with the days gone by. At the point when that days gone by is the scholarly period we presently appear to mark as 5 LINDA HUTCHEON innovation. so what is both instated thus undercut is the impression of crafted by workmanship as a shut. independent. autonomous article reasoning its uprightness from the formal interrelatednesss of its parts. In its trademark exertion to hold stylish freedom while as yet restoring the content to the world. postmodernism both affirms thus undersell this formalized position. Be that as it may, this does non solicit an arrival to the universe from normal world. as some have contended ( Kern 216 ) ; the world wherein the content arranges itself is the universe of talk. the universe of writings and intertexts. This world has direct connects to the universe of observational world. in any case, it is non itself that observational world. It is a cutting edge basic adage that logic is genuinely a lot of shows. that the portrayal of the existent is non equivalent to the existent itself. What historiographic metafiction challenges is both any naif pragmatist build of portrayal and any every piece naif textualist or formalist averments of the whole partition of craftsmanship from the universe. The postmodern is reluctantly craftsmanship inside the document ( Foucault 92 ) . furthermore, that document is both chronicled and scholarly. In the noticeable radiation of crafted by creators, for example, Carlos Fuentes. Salman Rushdie. D. M. Thomas. John Fowles. Umberto Eco. each piece great as Robert Coover. E. L. Doctorow. John Barth. Joseph Heller. Ishmael Reed. what's more, other American writers. it is hard to perceive any reason why pundits, for example, Allen Thiher. for case. can think about no such intertextual establishments today as those of Dante in Virgil ( 189 ) ’ Are we genuinely in the main part of an emergency of religion in the chance of verifiable culture ( 189 ) ? Have we ever non been in such an emergency? To parody is non to destruct the days gone by ; truth be told. to parody is both to cherish the days of old and to oppugn it. Also, this is the postmodern mystery. The hypothetical geographic undertaking of the tremendous discourse ( Calinescu. 169 ) between and among literary works and chronicles that design postmodernism h
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My Public and Private School Experience Professor Ramos Blog
My Public and Private School Experience Photograph by Ã¥' ¨ Ã¥ º · on Pexels.com At the point when I began school I was a kindergartner at Calvary Christian School. It is a tuition based school with around 200-300 understudies. I went from kindergarten until my first year was finished. The clothing standard was a red, white, or blue polo shirt with a Navy Gabardine Box Pleated Jumper or Hamilton Plaid Knife Pleated Jumper for young ladies from kinder to eighth grade. The young men wore similar shirts with Navy Hawthorne Pleated pants from kinder to senior year. When a young lady arrived at ninth twelfth grade they would wear skirts. The school subjects didn't have an assortment to look over. Book of scriptures, Math, History, Science, P.E. what's more, Fine Arts were the primary classes gave. We as a whole took similar classes together while not having the alternative of taking any ap classes. I joined the volleyball crew yet because of my evaluations my ninth grade year I was unable to play and I discovered on the most recent day of school that I would need to take summer school or get kept down. My folks didn’t take that well at all and chose to take me out. I was stunned about the news and started to stress over what will occur for the following school year and were I would join in. Fortunately my mother works for the Beaumont school area and I got transfered over to Beaumont High School on the grounds that at the time we were living in Banning Ca. I realized that getting changed in accordance with another school and individuals would have been nerve wracking yet I will increase another experience I never had and I may wind up enjoying it. Beaumont High School had around 2,000-3,000 understudies, no clothing regulation impediments, advocates and an assortment of classes to take. The primary day of secondary school came around I was apprehensive however energized. At the point when I prepared I wore a high contrast shirt with light blue shorts and a few vans. The main day was somewhat humiliating on the grounds that my fly was down the whole time and I never saw it until I dressed out for P.E. despite the fact that we weren’t even expected to dress out. As the many months passed by I felt increasingly agreeable, I became accustomed to it rapidly and made new companions en route. What I found out about decent variety from my perspective was the change and the adjustment I would need to make. I believe that change is generally excellent in light of the fact that it can enable you to develop, offer new chances, it can show progress and fresh starts. Others have helped me with support about going to government funded school. My family would discuss a few things they experienced. My Aunt Anita specifically revealed to me that she needed to get changed in accordance with secondary school when she went while being in open every last bit of her life. She said â€Å" Everyone experiences various stages throughout their life and beginning of secondary school is one of them and you will get past it and it will be a breeze as time goes on.†I contemplate my circumstance was advantageous in light of the fact that I got a look of what a portion of my family have experienced and furthermore one of my companions that was at present going to Calvary Christian School. Sarah Weeks and I were the main ones that remained at that school until secondary school and we generally thought we were going to graduate together. I went to her graduation and it was insane seeing her up their and acknowledging we are completing secondary school independently. We were both cheerful and tragic that we didn’t graduate together however above all were still companions and still think back on the easily overlooked details that occurred consistently. What I gained the most from going to both of these schools is that you can succeed any place you proceed to at present learn new things in the process you simply must be resolved any place you proceed to gain from it. I accept that my experience can show others what sort of progress I experienced and it wound up being exceptionally constructive than I suspected and individuals ought to be available to it in various circumstances and they should step out of their customary range of familiarity once in for a spell since you can pick up something out of it and can likewise share your own story to others whether it be positive or negative on the grounds that each experience is unique. I have consistently thought about how extraordinary it would be on the off chance that I went to state funded school first and in the long run being put in a tuition based school since it would be an altogether different experience and simply acclimating to another routine would set aside effort for me to become acclimated to. My sister was put in tuition based school for about a year and afterward began in broad daylight and will keep on going there. She is in the primary evaluation at the present time, yet its intriguing to know how extraordinary both of our encounters were from every others. I would express going to government funded school has helped me gotten open to meeting new individuals and conversing with others. I was modest and to myself more often than not yet in the long run persuaded the boldness to be all the more friendly. I think setting off to the tuition based school for such a long time I was at that point used to everybody so I wasn’t as timid and to myself since I knew a ton of the individuals at such a youthful age. It was hard from the outset since I didn’t know anybody from bhs and I needed to put myself increasingly out there and I truly didn’t need to. By opening myself to others I felt like they were truly understanding who I am and what kind of individual I was which made everything positive. Going to totally various schools is hard yet it is possible in the event that you put yourself out there you may need to change somethings in your every day life than you are utilized to however it tends to be valuable to you and give you another point of view like the school themes, clothing standard and the various sorts of individuals you experience.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Dayton Dayton, city (1990 pop. 182,044), seat of Montgomery co., SW Ohio, on the Great Miami River where it is joined by the Stillwater River; inc. 1805. It is the trade center for a fertile farm area, but is best known for its involvement with industry, invention, and aviation. Its chief products are computers; machinery; metal, paper, and rubber products; and transportation equipment. Printing and publishing are also important. Dayton grew with the extension of canals (1830s and 40s) and railroads (1850s), and with the industrial demands of the Civil War. It was the first large city to adopt (1913) the city-manager form of government (see city government ). It was the home of the Wright brothers , who after their pioneering 1903 flight set up a research operation. Much of their work is preserved in the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park (see National Parks and Monuments , table). Also in the park is the home of their friend the poet Paul Laurence Dunbar . Dayton's li fe for decades before the 1990s was dominated by the National Cash Register company, which built many civic amenities. The city's institutions include Wright State Univ., the Univ. of Dayton, and a noted art institute. Nearby Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is a major employer. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Friday, May 22, 2020
Human Trafficking Solutions - 902 Words
Human Trafficking: Solutions Samatha Shepperd EN3220 Written Analysis Dr. Lovett August 28th, 2014 Human Trafficking: Solutions Human Trafficking is a transnational problem. All countries are affected by human trafficking; some countries are where the humans are taken from while other countries are where the humans are taken to for forced labor or sex. No one has a full proof solution to human trafficking but many countries have parts of solutions to the problem. Germany and the Netherlands have legalized prostitution to help lower the sex trafficking numbers in their countries. While in the United States, in Nevada, prostitution has been legal since 1971. In 2013, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws wrote†¦show more content†¦The drug money confiscated by the border patrol officers would also go back into the closed border systems. The third solution would be to place a tracking microchip in the trafficking offenders when they get released from prison. Just like sex offenders have to register and be watched constantly, the offender would be tra cked to ensure they stay away from places known for holding the victims of human trafficking. They can also be watched to lead the police to the larger trafficking ring leaders. The offender will be required to sign a waiver stating that he understands the conditions of release include the micro chipping. Human trafficking is an issue that has many different parts to it and has many different solutions to each part. The biggest solution to human trafficking is to get society to care about something other than themselves again. Once we as a society care about other human beings once more the human trafficking epidemic will start to lower. Resources: Giang, V. (2011). Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Prostitution In Nevada. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/prostitution-legal-nevada-prostitutes-brothels-sex-2011-12?op=1. [Last Accessed August 20th, 2014]. National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (2013). Uniform Act on Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking. [ONLINE] Available at:Show MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking: Searching for a Solution1437 Words  | 6 PagesThailand is very well known for its high proportion of human trafficking. The men and woman are constantly sold for their resources. Labor and prostitution are the most common cases. In Thailand there has been an uprising of human trafficking on the fishing boats or trawlers. On the trawlers many men are forced to work without pay under the impression that they owe money. The men come from neighboring countries of Cambodia and Burma. Among many boats, abuse is a normal practice to keep the men detainedRead MoreHuman Trafficking : An Effective Solution1260 Words  | 6 Pages it. Human trafficking can play a deviating role on both the victim and their family. I want to inform you about the circumstances and the pain caused by human trafficking. Human trafficking is a broad issue and focuses on many areas of abuse and power over another human being. In order for me to inform you more about human trafficking and how to put a stop to it, (1) I need to inform the audience why these acts are done. I can show you how and why other humans do this to one another. (2) I wantRead MoreHuman Trafficking : A Modern Day Slavery961 Words  | 4 PagesMrs. Tomasino English IV Nov. 23 2015 How to Stop Trafficking Women are not the only ones being sold today. Man are not the only ones selling humans today. All different kinds of humans are being sold in something called human trafficking. Human trafficking has become a problem worldwide and is effecting all people male, female, children, LGBT. There are many solutions, one of them is to educate the children at a younger age. Human trafficking is like a modern day slavery. The people being soldRead MoreHuman Sex Trafficking Of Houston1043 Words  | 5 PagesHUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING Topic: Human sex trafficking in Houston Organization: Problem/Problem/solution Specific purpose: I would like my audience to understand that we live in Texas and are not very far from Houston and that Houston is one of the most intense human sex trafficking regions in the country. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"Houston is a great city known internationally for energy, medical center, great food and Human sex trafficking. Picture this, there was this girl who fell involveRead MoreAssesment of Drug Trafficking Example1058 Words  | 5 PagesAssessment of Human Trafficking Cole Bootz Arizona State University Abstract Assessing the crime of Human Trafficking over the Arizona border from Mexico there were a lot of effective methods and non-effective methods used when trying to prevent human trafficking. 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This past January, President Barack Obama recognized Human Trafficking Awareness month. In a published statement the President said he wanted to, â€Å"recognize the people, organizations and government entities that are working to combat human trafficking,†and â€Å"recommit to bringing an end to this inexcu sable human rights abuse.†AccordingRead MoreProstitution Laws Should Be Legal968 Words  | 4 Pageslaws obviously create a barrier between sex trafficking victims and the police. Hence, a study by the Department of Justice found that officers replied that â€Å"victims’ distrust†of law enforcement was by far the most difficult challenge in their investigations, as opposed to lack of resources, lack of training, etc. Prostitution laws are blocking the flow of vital information to the proper authorities. As of now, only thirty percent of criminal trafficking investigations are prompted by tips fromRead MoreWays to Stop Human Trafficking1245 Words  | 5 PagesProposed Solutions to End Human Trafficking In recent times, the number of human trafficking cases has skyrocketed through the roof. So, what exactly is human trafficking? Human trafficking is defined as a criminal activity, in which people are recruited, harboured, transported, bought or kidnapped for the purposes of exploitation. These exploitations include forced labour, child soldiery, sexual slavery, forced marriages and so on. Statistics show that the main victims of human trafficking consist
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Most Disregarded Answer for Essay Type Samples for 6th Graders
The Most Disregarded Answer for Essay Type Samples for 6th Graders Essay writing is a difficult business when you're at college. Such essays should normally range between a couple of pages in length. Narrative essays naturally get the job done nicely with the descriptive manner of essay writing. Structuring Your Essay A crucial part of learning how to compose essays is to understand the significance of structure. Know that you may convince your readers to back up your status in the essay using three distinct methods. Following are different kinds of essay topics for students that are categorized in many sections so you can easily chose the topic according to your need and requirement. Only an entire Essay template can supply you with all the details you want to learn about. Our site is just one of the most appropriate for essay help. You can rely on the very best essay help online. You are likely to be offered an essay on nearly every subject for a specific price. So, it's very important, for this kind of essays, to gather relevant and robust information that supports the argument made. Instead you must explain the aim of the essay. Each portion has different characteristics and guidelines based on the kind of essay you're assigned. Flesh out the aim of these descriptive passages. Young writers find it hard to organize their narrations in compliance with the above-mentioned outline. A youth may also be defined in keeping with religion. The students will need to start the essay with an introductory paragraph. Thus, let's first look at what frustrates instructors the most. Your orders will be carried out exactly as you desire. In fact, prior to making an order it is possible to find a price quote on your essay. Instructors grade you time by way of example, thcopyright officmight locatdiffering forms of business file, president of means. There are not any yellow school buses in my previous city. When you want an example written by means of a student check out our vast group of absolutely free student models. Students learn to appraise the credibility of sources. Such behavior in college will end in expulsion. Essay Type Samples for 6th Graders - the Story Indeed, it's very good practice for their writing. Narrative writing prompts 5th grade will h elp to increase your abilities and demonstrate the excellent understanding of the way to structure your paper. In such situations, the most efficient means to begin is to use the ideal narrative writing prompts for middle school. First grade narrative writing prompts will be of the fantastic use as kids usually discover that it's hard to select the topic. Keeping a consistent voice within the body paragraphs, along with the remainder of the essay, is also an additional ability that sixth-grade teachers will be searching for when grading. It is necessary for a writer to study either side of the issue so as to find out how to beat counterarguments. Don't be concerned about a number of them being rather abstract their principal objective is to reveal to you the basic principles that you'll have the ability to transfer to your own writing. Even in case you take a notion from this kind of essay, make sure that you produce that idea in your words and cite some appropriate source. There are lots of ways to prevent using plagiarism such as citing the sources of writing that you're attempting to use. In case it builds a bridge for somebody else to cross later on, it's well worth it. The choice to write somebody's own assignments or to find outside help is obviously an individual one, and students should look at their own circumstances since they weigh the advantages and disadvantages. It is possible to immerse yourself in finding out all there is to learn about a certain topic with no prospect of being distracted.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Attribution Theory Definition Free Essays
Attribution Theory Definition Attribution theory is concerned with how people interpret events and relate them to their thinking and behavior. It’s a cognitive perception which affects their motivation. This theory was first proposed in a book called, The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations by Fritz Heider in 1958. We will write a custom essay sample on Attribution Theory Definition or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to Heider, men behave as amateur scientists in social situations. He also said that, we generally explain behavior in two ways; either we attribute the behavior to a person or a situation. Attribution literally means a grant of responsibility. Albeit, the theory was first proposed by Heider (1958), later Edward E. Jones (1972) and Harold Kelley (1967) developed a theoretical structure, which is now seen as an epitome of social psychology. The theory divides the behavior attributes into two parts, external or internal factors. Internal attribution: When an internal attribution is made, the cause of the given behavior is within the person, i. e. the variables which make a person responsible like attitude, aptitude, character and personality. External attribution: When an external attribution is made, the cause of the given behavior is assigned to the situation in which the behavior was seen. The person responsible for the behavior may assign the causality to the environment or weather. In 1967, Kelley tried to explain the way people perceive internal and external attribution. He tried this, postulating the principle of co-variation. This model was known as Covariation Model. The basic principle of the covariation model states that the effect is attributed to one of the causes which co-varies over time. It also means that the behavior at various occasions varies. The covariation model considers three major types of information to make an attribution decision and to observe a person’s behavior. The three types of information are: Consensus information: This responds to the fact, how people with similar stimuli behave in similar situations. If most people behave alike, i. e. their reactions are shared by many, the consensus is high. But, if no one or only a few people share the reactions, the consensus is low. Distinctiveness information: This is about, how a person responds to different situations. There exists a very low distinctiveness if the person reacts similarly in all or most of the situations. However, if a person reacts differently in different situations, it is said that the distinctiveness is high. Consistency information: If the response of a person to different stimulus and in varied situations remains the same, then the consistency is high. But Kelly’s covariation model has some limitations. The most prominent being that, it fails to distinguish between the intentional and unintentional behavior. Read more at Buzzle: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/attribution-theory-of-social-psychology. html Kelley’s Covariation Model Kelley’s (1967) covariation model is the best known attribution theory. He developed a logical model for judging whether a particular action should be attributed to some characteristic (internal) of the person or the environment (external). The term covariation simply means that a person has information from multiple observations, at different times and situations, and can perceive the covariation of an observed effect and its causes. He argues that in trying to discover the causes of behavior people act like scientists. More specifically they take into account three kinds of evidence. Kelley believed that there were three types of causal information which influenced our judgments. Low factors = dispositional (internal) attributions. * Consensus: the extent to which other people behave in the same way in a similar situation. E. g. Alison smokes a cigarette when she goes out for a meal with her friend. If her friend smokes, her behavior is high in consensus. If only Alison smokes it is low. * Distinctiveness: the extent to which the person behaves in the same way in similar situations. If Alison only smokes when she is out with friends, her behavior is high in distinctiveness. If she smokes at any time or place, distinctiveness is low. Consistency: the extent to which the person behaves like this every time the situation occurs. If Alison only smokes when she is out with friends, consistency is high. If she only smoke on one special occasion, consistency is low. Let’s look at an example to help understand his particular attribution theory. Our subject is called Tom. His behavior is laughter. Tom is laughing at a comedian. 1. Consensus: Everybody in the audience is laughing. Consensus is high. If only Tom is laughing consensus is low. 2. Distinctiveness: Tom only laughs at this comedian. Distinctiveness is high. If Tom laughs at everything distinctiveness is low. 3. Consistency: Tom always laughs at this comedian. Consistency is high. Tom rarely laughs at this comedian consistency is low. Now, if everybody laughs at this comedian, if they don’t laugh at the comedian who follows and if this comedian always raises a laugh then we would make an external attribution, i. e. we assume that Tom is laughing because the comedian is very funny. On the other hand, if Tom is the only person who laughs at this comedian, if Tom laughs at all comedians and if Tom always laughs at the comedian then we would make an internal attribution, i. . we assume that Tom is laughing because he is the kind of person who laughs a lot. So what we’ve got here is people attributing causality on the basis of correlation. That is to say, we see that two things go together and we therefore assume that one causes the other. One problem however is that we may not have enough information to make that kind of judgme nt. For example, if we don’t know Tom that well we wouldn’t necessarily have the information to know if his behavior is consistent over time. So what do we do then? According to Kelley we fall back on past experience and look for either 1) Multiple necessary causes. For example, we see an athlete win a marathon and we reason that she must be very fit, highly motivated, have trained hard etc. and that she must have all of these to win 2) Multiple sufficient causes. For example, we see an athlete fail a drug test and we reason that she may be trying to cheat, or have taken a banned substance by accident or been tricked into taking it by her coach. Any one reason would be sufficient. How to cite Attribution Theory Definition, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Unique Film-making of Tim Burton free essay sample
Tim Burton uses diegetic sounds, lighting, and high angles to express his creative cinematic style. He uses these various techniques to show how he differs from other directors styles. His choice of using these techniques relates back to his childhood, Burton was a reclusive child and very different while growing up. In the movies Edward Scissorhands and The Corpse Bride, he applies these various techniques. In the movie Edward Scissorhands, Burton uses diegetic sounds to foreshadow upcoming events in the movie. He uses the snip of the scissors when Peg, the Avon lady, was in the what seemed deserted mansion to foreshadow what/who Edward was relating to the scissors. Also in Edward Scissorhands, he used the diegetic chopping of the lettuce to accompany a flashback of Edwards past. This helped us understand more about Edward and how he became to be. In The Corpse Bride, Burton uses the diegetic sounds of Victor’s vows to also foreshadow the upcoming events with the corpse bride. We will write a custom essay sample on The Unique Film-making of Tim Burton or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Later on in that scene he used the cracking sound of the hand of Emily to show that she was now â€Å"alive†. The â€Å"I do†of Emily was included to show that Victor was now â€Å"married†to Emily. Tim Burton used a series of various types of lighting in the movies Edward Scissorhands, and The Corpse Bride. In Edward Scissorhands, he used a lot of high key lighting in the town, which had very bright pastel colors. He also used high key in the jail during the conversation between Edward and Peg. He used this so we, as the audience, could focus on the scene playing out.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Conservative Perspectives on Gun Control
Conservative Perspectives on Gun Control The second amendment to the U.S. Constitution is perhaps the most important amendment in the Bill of Rights, if not the entire document. The second amendment is all that stands in the way between American citizens and total chaos. Without the second amendment, nothing would prevent a duly elected president (who is also the nations commander-in-chief) from declaring martial law and using the nations military forces to systematically usurp and dismantle the remaining civil rights of its citizens. The second amendment is Americas greatest defense against the forces of totalitarianism. Interpretation of the Second Amendment The simple wording of the second amendment has been widely interpreted, and gun-control advocates have sought to obfuscate the language in order to further their agenda. Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the amendment, upon which gun-control advocates have rested much of their arguments is the part that reads a well-regulated militia. Those who seek to erode the amendment, claim that the right to bear arms is extended solely to militias, and since both the number of militias and the effectiveness of them have diminished since the 1700s, the amendment is now moot. Local and state government bodies have frequently sought to strip the amendment of its power by imposing draconian regulations and requirements. For 32 years, gun owners in Washington D.C. were not legally permitted to own a handgun or carry one within the districts territory. In June 2008, however, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the districts law was unconstitutional. Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin Scalia observed that regardless of whether violent crime is a problem, the enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table ... Whatever the reason, handguns are the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home, and a complete prohibition of their use is invalid. Perspectives of Gun Control Advocates While handguns were the issue in Washington, D.C., gun control advocates elsewhere have decried the access to and usage of fully-automatic weapons and other high-powered firearms by the general public. Theyve sought to limit or even prohibit ownership of these so-called assault weapons in a misguided attempt to protect the public. In 1989, California became the first state to pass an outright ban on fully-automatic rifles, machine guns and other firearms considered to be assault weapons. Since then, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, and New Jersey have passed similar laws. One reason gun control opponents are so adamant about keeping these firearms on the open market is because the access to weapons by the American military has far outpaced the access to weapons by the American public in both number and power. If a nation is unable to defend itself against the forces of tyranny within its government because the right to bear arms is so badly eroded, it undermines the spirit and intention of the second amendment. Liberals also advocate legislation restricting the types of ammunition available for firearms, as well as the types of people who can own them. Ex-cons or people with prior mental illnesses, for example, are prohibited from owning or carrying guns in certain states, and the Brady Bill, which became law in 1994, mandates prospective gun owners undergo a five-day waiting period so local law enforcement authorities can conduct background checks. Every regulation, restriction or law that infringes upon Americans right to keep and bear arms, prevents America from being a country that is truly free.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Veronica Roth Fiction and Movie List
Veronica Roth Fiction and Movie List Veronica Roth wrote the first of the books that would become the best-selling Divergent series when she was still in college, earning a degree in creative writing. She wrote Divergent during winter break before her graduation in 2010 and sold the book the same year. It debuted at No. 6 on The New York Times best-seller list. It captured the imagination of the public, and two more books in the series followed: Insurgent and Allegiant. In the three young-adult science fiction novels, she told a coming-of-age story set in post-apocalyptic Chicago. Following the release of several Divergent series companion novellas and short stories, Roth began what may become a second series with the release of Carve the Mark in 2017. Books and Short Fiction by Veronica Roth 2011 - Divergent is the first book in a young-adult dystopian trilogy that takes place in a future Chicago. The story is told from the perspective of Tris, a 16-year-old. This future society is split into five factions based on the virtue they cultivate- Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful) and Erudite (the intelligent). Every 16-year-old must choose which faction they will devote their lives to and then undergo a rigorous initiation into the group. Beatrice, or Tris, must choose between her family and who she truly is.2012 - Insurgent, the second book in the Divergent trilogy, deals with the fallout of Tris choice and a looming war between factions.2012 - Free Four - This short story retells the knife throwing scene from Divergent from Tobias perspective.2013 - Shards Ashes - This anthology of short stories included a selection from Veronica Roth.2013 - Allegiant - The last book i n the Divergent trilogy reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent. 2013 - Four: The Transfer is a novella that examines the world of the Divergent series through the eyes of Tobias Eaton.2014- The Initiate - Tobias initiation into Dauntless, his first tattoo, and his interest in training new initiates are all covered in this novella.2014 - Four: The Son - This novella explores Tobias struggles with the Dauntless hierarchy as he learns a secret about his past that could affect his future.2014 - Four: The Traitor - The novella runs parallel with the early events in Divergent and includes the first meeting of Tobias and Tris Prior.2014 - Four: A Divergent Story Collection is a companion volume to the Divergent series that is told from the perspective of Tobias. It includes The Transfer, The Initiate, The Son and The Traitor, all of which were originally published separately.2017 - Carve the Mark is a science fiction fantasy set on a planet where violence rules and every person receives a currentgift, a unique power meant to shape t he future. The currentgift given to Cyra and Akos, two characters from separate tribes, make them vulnerable to the control of others. When the enmity between their factions and families seems insurmountable, they decide to help each other to survive. 2017 - We Can Be Mended is a short story epilogue that takes place five years after Allegiant. It focuses on the character Four. Movies Made From Roth Books Four big-screen movies have been made from the three books of the Divergent series: Divergent (2014)Insurgent (2015)The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016)The Divergent Series: Ascendent (2017)
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Ethics in the 21st Century Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics in the 21st Century - Research Paper Example Today, the world tolerates the problems of ethics alongside the technological and scientific domains that dominate the human race. Human beings can not just respond by themselves without the assistance of technology. Issues within the scientific community cannot be confronted until philosophical and ethical considerations are taken into account. Ethical reconciliation should be utilized when solving problems or interacting with diverse cultures. If one wishes to arrive at ethical clarifications of problems at hand, references must be cited to the traditional world of thought and wisdom. According to Prof. H. Atlan, philosophy is the key to arrive at ethical answers and to attend the problems of science and technology faced today. (UNESCO Headquarters|2001). There are two types of ethics that relate to globalization. First one is based on the ethics of sovereignty of States and the power structure. The second one relates to the responsibilities of the liberal market. These two kinds o f ethics and the vibrant relationship between the state the condition of ethics today. Globalization in the 21st Century gave birth to an accord between people who think internationally. In actuality, the emergence of a global civil community, through the sponsorship of global democracy, global governance and residency all contribute towards surfacing of ‘globalization of ethics’. (UNESCO Headquarters|2001) Most students and officers when hearing the word â€Å"ethics†become spell bounded and images of departmental sanctions, internal affairs of a company, and extensive lawsuits came dawdling into their minds.Â
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Discuss problems arising from IAS 17 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discuss problems arising from IAS 17 - Essay Example Firstly, restructuring of the asset at the inception of lease treaty creates more amounts recorded in the fixed assets and decreases the asset earnings. If the current value of total future lease obligations upsurges, it affects debt equity ratios and liquidity solvency ratios. Secondly, identification of entire forthcoming lease payments as obligations may cause breaching of debt agreements causing debts to become due immediately. Similarly, reporting profits may decrease when depreciation and interest expense is more than rental expenses. This makes it difficult for the IAS 17 to be fully implemented in international accounting. What’s more, it is impossible to deduct interest expense for tax purposes. The principle is inapposite in service contracts like copyrights and patents. It is normally applicable to tangible assets. ISA 17 is irrelevant and inapplicable to the service part of the contract as the guideline does not transfer the right to use the property. Additionally, classification of a sublease into an operating lease may lead to income incongruity. Categorization of a sublease into operating lease will lead to a leaser recognizing amortization of interest expenses and their right to use the property leased (Monson, 2001). Hence, the leaser may recognize rent proceeds in a manner that is considered as evenly spread during the entire lease period (Young, 2011). The transitional leaser will, thus, incur a forfeiture due to the earlier murky arrangements previously made. Also, this mushroom from interest and depreciation that increases proceeds of operating lease in earlier periods causing a swap in later years from interest rates decreases. A situation arises under current standards where the head lease is a finance lease and sublease is operating lease, but the IAS 17 proposals will lead to arrangements to classify head lease currently as an operating lease. The staff may also not propose to adjust and amend
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Polarisation of Light Investigation
Polarisation of Light Investigation Valentin Haemmerli Abstract. An optical system consisting of a laser, a polariser, a quarter-wave plate, a prism, and a light detector connected to a multi-meter was used to find the transmission axes of the polariser and the quarter-wave plate, find the angle of polarisation of the laser relative to the optical axis and investigate the quality of the polariser and quarter-wave plate by comparing the theoretical and experimental values of degree of polarisation for linear, circular and elliptic polarisations. These were found to be 0.98 ±0.03 compared to 1 for linear, 0.18 ±0.03 compared to 0 for circular and 0.59 ±0.03 compared to 0.65 for a particular ellipse. Introduction Polarisation of electromagnetic radiation is a fundamental phenomenon arising directly from the wave properties of light. Polarisation of light in the visual spectrum has many commercial applications such as stress analysis of birefringent materials[1, 2], sugar content analysis in the brewing industry and in food chemistry[1], liquid crystal displays [2] and in sunglasses. In addition to these applications, polarisation of light has a number of important scientific uses, including â€Å"determining the refractive indices, absorption constants and reflecting power of †¦highly absorbing materials†[1]. There are three different cases for polarised light; linear, circular and elliptical. The aim of this investigation was to calibrate the optical system and subsequently use it to analyse transmission intensities for each of these types, and compare the respective degrees of polarisation to theoretical values. Theory Polarisation Types Electromagnetic waves have electric and magnetic field components propagating as sinusoidal waves where the directions of the electric field vector is perpendicular to both the direction of the magnetic field vector and to the direction of propagation at all times. Due to this constant relation between electric and magnetic field vectors, we can describe polarisation in terms of electric field only for simplicity. Linear polarisation is the case where the x and y components of electric field for a wave traveling in the z-direction are varying in phase with each other, so they are both at their maxima at the same time, and both at their minima at the same time, and the electric component of the wave is always in the same plane. This is shown in Figure 1a). Circular polarisation, shown in Figure 1b), occurs when the x and y components of the electric field vector have the same amplitudes and have a phase difference of À/2, or À/2 plus an integer multiple of À. The end point of the resulting electric field vector traces out a circle in the x-y plane, which translates to a helix once time is taken into account. Elliptical polarisation, of which circular polarisation is merely the special case when the amplitudes are equal and the phase difference is where . Elliptical polarisation is therefore any case for which the end point of the electric field vector traces out an ellipse in the x-y plane. This is shown in Figure 1c). Brewster’s Law Brewster’s Law states that for a beam incident on a flat horizontal glass surface of a prism at the Brewster angle, given by ,(1) where is the refractive index of the prism, only the component of the beam with polarisation parallel to the incident plane is reflected. This fact can be used to determine the polarisation of the incident beam after it has passed through the analyser. By rotating the analyser until there is no reflected component the beam is polarised vertically and hence has not component in the horizontal direction. Quarter-wave plate A quarter-wave plate is an optical device which is made of two materials with different refractive indices which has the effect of introducing a phase difference of À/2 between the perpendicular x and y component of the electric field vector for light of a particular wavelength. The quarter-wave plate has two perpendicular transmission axes. A quarter-wave plate can therefore be used to change the polarisation of the incident light from linear to elliptical and in the simple case of the ellipse, circular. Degree of polarisation The equation used to find the degree of linear polarisation of light for transmitted intensities measured for angles of analyser is ,(2) where I is intensity. Experimental Method We first found the transmission axis of the Polaroid analyser using Brewster’s Law of horizontal polarisation using the set up in Figure 2.We started at an approximate value of Brewster’s Angle using n=1.6 for the refractive index of the prism. We set the incident angle to this, and then rotated the analyser until no light was reflected from the face of the prism, but light was still transmitted through the analyser. By slight changes of the incident angle on the face of the prism and the angle of the analyser to minimise the transmission, we found the transmission axis of the Polaroid analyser. We found the degree of polarisation of linearly polarised light using the set up in Figure 3, by rotating the analyser through 360 º and noting the transmitted intensity detected by the light detector and multi-meter in volts. Plotting the intensity as a function of angle and comparing it to a theoretical plot of transmission from Malus’ Law, we also found the angle at which the laser beam was polarised. Using the set up shown in Figure 4 we found the transmission axes of the quarter-wave plate. With the analyser set to an angle perpendicular to the angle of polarisation of the laser beam (i.e. a minimum intensity), transmitted intensity was measured for angles between 0 and 360 º of the quarter-wave plate. The minima of this dependence correspond to the transmission angles of the quarter-wave plate. Once the transmission axes were found, the quarter-wave plate was set to an angle of one of the transmission axes plus 45 º to give circularly polarised light. The intensity was measured as a function of the angle of the analyser. This was used to find the degree of polarisation of circularly polarised light by rotating the analyser through angles from 0 to 360 º. Finally we tested for a theoretical value of elliptical degree of polarisation of 0.65 by turning the quarter-wave plate 22.7 º past one of the transmission axes and once again rotating the analyser through 360 º and measuring intensities to give an experimental degree of polarisation. The error in the analyser angle and quarter-wave plate angle was determined by observing the range of angles over which the intensity did not change. This was  ±2 º in both cases, and when both the analyser and quarter-wave plate were on the optical bench this gave a combined error of  ±4 º. The ambient light reading was taken to eliminate a systematic error in intensity readings. This was found to be 0.00 V. Experimental Results The degree of polarisation of the analyser is 0.98 ±0.03 from the maximum and minimum intensities in Figure 5 and equation (2). The error comes from the uncertainty in the measurement of the intensity. The angle of polarisation of laser beam is 10 ±2 º. This was determined from the angle difference between the experimental data and the theoretical plot of Malus’ law. The error is given by the error in analyser angle. The transmission axis of the analyser runs from 170 º to 350 º  ±2 º, this is given by the maxima of the experimental data in Figure 5. The transmission axes of the quarter-wave plate are 20 ±4 º to 200 ±4 º and 110 ±4 º to 290 ±4 º from the minima in Figure 6, corrected for the angle of polarisation of the laser beam. The degree of polarisation of circularly polarised light is 0.18 ±0.03 from the maximum and minimum intensities in Figure 7. Theoretically the quarter-wave plate should be at one of its transmission axes plus 23 ±2 º for a degree of polarisation of 0.65. At this angle the experimental degree of polarisation was 0.59 ±0.03 from the maximum and minimum intensities in Figure 8. Discussion The error in the sensitivity of the polariser and quarter-wave plate are much greater than the accuracy of the scales on the polariser and quarter-wave plate. The errors are found to be  ±2 º for each, while the accuracy of the scale is  ±0.5 º. This is far too small because intensity did not change over such a small change in angle. One possible reason for such a large difference between theory and experimental values for degree of polarisation for the case of elliptical polarisation, 9.2%, is that the quarter-wave plate was designed to give a phase difference of À/2 for a specific wavelength of light due to the dependence of refractive index on wavelength. The wavelength of our laser was not the same as this design. The difference could be reduced by using a more suitable laser or quarter-wave plate. The theoretical degree of polarisation for circular polarisation settings of the quarter-wave plate and analsyer is 0, compared to the 0.18 ±0.03 found experimentally. Similarly, the analyser was not ideal, imperfectly blocking components perpendicular to the transmission axis. The theoretical degree of polarisation for the analyser is 1, while experimentally we found it to be 0.98 ±0.03. The contribution to the error from the quarter-wave plate is therefore larger than that from the analsyer. There are two possible reasons for imperfect circular polarisation. The first of these is that the quarter-wave plate was set to the wrong angle, not at 45 º to a transmission axis. This would lead to an error in the degree of polarisation of approximately twice the error in the angle, or approximately 4. This is far too large for our degree of polarisation and therefore unlikely, since the difference between theory and experiment is only 0.18. The other reason is that the quarter-wave plate did not shift the phase of one component of polarisation by À/2. Then the difference is approximately the difference between the theoretical phase difference and the actual phase difference. This is the more likely case, as discussed above, the quarter-wave plate is designed for a specific wavelength of light. Conclusions We investigated three types of polarisation of light using an analyser and a quarter-wave plate. We found degrees of polarisation for each type, and compared them to their theoretical values. This gave us an idea about the quality and suitability of the analyser and quarter-wave plate for our laser, with the quarter-wave plate contributing the largest amount to the difference between the theoretical and experimental polarisations. In the process of finding these values we also determined the transmission axes of the analyser and the of the quarter-wave plate. Appendix Derivation of the angel of the quarter-wave plate for degree of polarisation 0.65 From equation (2): , (3) , (4) From (3) and (4), , (5) where is the angle offset from the transmission axes of the quarter-wave plate and is the component of the electric field vector. This gives us, from equations (1) and (5), . (6) References [1]C. A. Skinner, The polarimeter and its practical applications, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 196, pp. 721-750, 1923. [2]P. A. Tipler and G. Mosca, Physics for scientists and engineers : with modern physics, 2008. 1
Friday, January 17, 2020
Inta Omri by Oum Kalsoum Essay
Enta Omri is Egyptian singer and songwriter Oum Kalsoum’s best known work. The song Enta Omri has been revived and reinterpreted many times over the past few decades. Even then, no one can compare to the original recordings of Oum Kalsoum, who was the best singer to come from the Middle East. Many contemporary Western artists and musicians have been significantly influenced by her work. Famous artist known to be admirers of her body of work range from such stars as painter Salvador Dali to rock star Bono. Today, her popularity has not faded and the recordings of her songs continue to sell very well in the Middle East, with about one million records sold each year. The song Enta Omri has significantly influenced Oum Kalsoum as an artist. The lyrics of her subsequent songs followed the theme of Enta Omri, centered on the topics of love, longing for someone, or the loss of a loved one, much like the topics prevalent on country music today. Her musical performances are also very long by today’s standards. While the official recording of the song Enta Omri is about an hour, her live performances could last for several hours. The people listening to her songs are mesmerized by Oum Kalsoum’s vocal range, who had one of the deepest singing voice for females. References: 1. Shira. Inte Omri: You Are My Life. Retreived on November 28, 2008. 2. You Tube. Omm Kalthoum-Inta Omri.Retreived on November 28, 2008. 3. Imeem. Inta Omri by Yahel. Retreived on November 28, 2008. 4. Egypt State Information Service. Umm Kolthoum. Retreived on November 28, 2008. 5. Al-Ahram Weekly. The Voice of Authority. Retreived on November 28, 2008. 6. Al-Ahram. Umm Kuthoum Superstar. Retreived on November 28, 2008. 7. OumKalthoum. org. Oum Kalthoum. Retreived on November 28, 2008. 8. Al-Masriq. Umm Kulthum. Retreived on November 28, 2008.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Application Of Accounting Information Systems Essay
Introduction The application of Accounting Information Systems has become widespread among enterprises in Australia due to improved affordability and efficiency resulting from their technical power. The vendors have moved from desktop systems to cloud accounting, and it has led to a challenge of selection and implementation to customers and users. This paper offers a synthesis of literature on AIS in Australia, its history, development, and adoption, analysis of the current market size and how the leaders in the market have managed to carve out their competitive advantage. There are also gaps in the sector, in particular for customers. Hence the paper also provides recommendations. History At the beginning of computerization, accounting software was automated and mainly included modules such as accounts receivable, payroll, accounts payable and the general ledger. McMickle (1989) provides that accountants were the only professionals who first used IT-related systems. Late in the 1970s, increase technical accounting issues led to the use of technical assistants who developed and maintained AIS for organizations resulting in the emergence of the system information sector within accounting. In the 1990s, resources-events-agents (REA) were initiated and with database technology advancement, new accounting models emerged (Walker and Denna, 1997). AIS could capture data which sometimes was not financial related accounting hence REA led to applications for detailed businessShow MoreRelatedThe Application Of Cloud Based On Accounting Information System1705 Words  | 7 Pages The application of cloud based in accounting information system Introduction In recent years, cloud computing has emerged as an important solution offering enterprises a potentially cost effective model to ease their computing needs and accomplish business objectives. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Pooh Bear A Child s Love For Being Adventurous And Trying...
There are several words that came to my mind when thinking about how I view children. To me, I see children as adventurous, imaginative, curious, talkative, knowledgeable, creative, active, independent, loving, and much more. When I came up with those words as I thought about my nephews and niece and the interactions that I have had with them. As I was creating my artifact, I was thinking about those words and how I could put those words into something visual. The idea of having a child’s silhouette filled with different images came to my mind. Each image represents how I perceive children. Pooh Bear represents a child’s love for being adventurous and trying new things. The book represents the knowledge that they have and receive†¦show more content†¦I don’t think I have ever met a child who wasn’t loving. The hearts represent the love that children have for adults and for everything in their life. The art easel, rainbow, and background of color represent how children are creative and are able to come up with several different ideas on their own. Curious George represents two things in this picture. First, how children are always curious and getting into something new. Secondly, he represents how children see things differently than adults. Children have been a part of all of our lives and at one point in time we were them. Not one child is the same, they each have their own personality and are uniquely designed. From Hill, Stremmel, and Fu (2005), â€Å"Children are a gift, not a possession; parenthood is a trust, not a right.†Children are made in different ways, which makes it so that our education systems need to be on their toes to be able to keep up with the changing ways of our children. With different needs that need to be met for children, over time a certain view of children has been accumulated. Over time society has developed different views of children and how they should be seen. Going from generation to generation there are more differences when it comes to how we see children. In this generation, there are more stereotypes of boys and girls that are seen to be stressed. Boys are to wear blue and darker colors, play with dinosaurs, get dirty, and be tough. Girls are to wear pink
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